
An Artist’s Statement

My mentors in the art and science of living taught me that there are essential steps to be followed to deeply know the creative process in any field of endeavor—be it photography, buying a car or looking for a job etc. These steps have an irreversible orderliness and a unique tempo or pace of activation according to the design and control of what is needed in the moment. Thankfully these elements or stages of creativity are fixed in my consciousness and have stood the test of time as I have become more and more aware or awakened to their importance. This creative process could be described as the artistic experience of stillness, connection, creation and celebration. It pertains to my photography and my experience of life spanning many years and situations.

My “stillness” is evidenced by a mind and heart or emotional realm ready and willing to see the people I meet or the world I encounter through a lens or state of consciousness that is open to shedding light (understanding) on my subject matter to lift it all up.

My “connection” is trusting my innate wisdom to know what I need to focus on. What is of interest and value here? My “creation” of photographic prints or digital images includes removing what is not essential while adding factors of balance and tone to what I perceive. Really, it is a representation of what happens in my life.

I feel the celebration of the creative process when I use a photo as a gift to a friend or post it on a website or exhibit it. It is my intention that each photo be a unique statement of appreciation and support for the art and science of living in attunement with Source. Truly, we are Creator Beings with something to celebrate in spirit and form daily.

-John Flood

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