
The Voice of Being

In the midst of our human experience there resides a living Presence that we may know or feel, deep within us. When we are still enough, we may turn to hear its voice.

We may not have the order of profound experience the disciple John describes in the last book of the new testament, the first chapter of Revelations: And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned I saw…. What followed was an abundance of grand  visions, messages, prophesies and revelations! But I believe we each may and do touch our own inner voice of Being, sounding from within the pure inner silence of ourselves, that calls us to awaken to a higher awareness and true wisdom that may become our gift to share with others—a reassuring invitation offered from the inmost Dwelling place of ourselves as Creator Beings.

I would like to share with you the Voice of Being that recently spoke to me. Perhaps it will remind you of your inner voice, calling to you from the depths of your own true Being. In sharing my experience, I encourage you to turn to hear your own inner voice more clearly. And that would be a gift from you to the world too!

In any case, here is the Voice that sounds within me that I now extend to you:

Come in Peace
Once more come home to True Self
Within yourself see and deeply feel your own loving kind, clear wonderful Presence, spacious and large and
Who You Really Are
Take rest in this moment – filled with delicious feelings of new freedom
Filled with Joy and radiant energies, praise and thanksgiving
NOW, bring to your world the pure essences and creative energies of the Love you are.
Let sun filled gifts of your warmth, light and gravity shine into your world
Freely give these life-giving gifts of radiant blessing your world so dearly needs from you.
And as you give of yourself from your core, as the Creator Being you are
Release into Love’s Fire all residue of the little old ego self, the ghost shadow constructs inherited from cultures of death and dying, created out of adversity and inhabiting a world built on fear, shame and blame that is now fast self destructing. ready to pass away.
Only the Self of True Being, speaking from your pure heart and transparent, clear mind can authentically reveal and extend to the world the gifts of the One, in truth, you Are!
Now is the time for you to be the fire that ignites your Radiant Presence,
To Be the beacon of Light and bringer of Life for your world.
Thank you for listening.

Love and blessings till next time!

– Howard Goodman
Having awakened to the power, purpose and work of true identity, Howard’s mission is to assist individuals and groups embrace true identity and awaken to the wisdom and intelligence of Universal Being in everyday living.
Howard is an experienced Spiritual Teacher, Attunement Practitioner and Life Counsellor.

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