

We Are the Sacred Place

This Week’s Quotation: The atmosphere of the worldly state in which human beings are embedded is of such a nature that thethings of God cannot

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The Reality of True Home

This Week’s Quotation: I would bring to point this deep sense of thankfulness that something is known to us that is more wonderful, more tremendous

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Transcendent Transformation

This Week’s Quotation: We understand that this transformation comes not by physical effort or intellectual effort but by the spirit of the Lord. It comes

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The Purifying Fire of Love

This Week’s Quotation: The effective function comes because of divine identity, because of the fire force. There must be the acceptance of the reality of

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From Age to Age

This Week’s Quotation: From age to age, Love’s word rings forth, “The Truth is true and all is well, unconquerable life prevails.”    ~ Martin Cecil From

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