
The space between us is holy.

Continents bathed in oceans
Once teeming with life
The howling voice of desolation
Brought to gentle healing
Step by step by
Love’s balm.
The dream of wholeness
Brought to life again
In full and glorious flower
Beyond the mind’s grasp
Separation severed;
The seeming hapless happening of Earth’s fall
Wholly infused
With Love’s awful power
Restored to full glory
Life’s True song
Singing in the Earth.

– Miriam Platt

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Love is comfort and solace. Love is joy and fulfillment.
Love finds the way. Love is the way.
How large is Love? How long is it?
What color is Love? Where does Love stop?
Love is infinite. Love is eternal.
Love appears in all colors. It never ends.
Love is everything. It is all things.
And without it, we are left with nothing.
Love is you. Love is me.
It overarches us all. It pervades us all, embraces us all, and holds us all.
Love is all.

Attunement Meditations Blog

Whatever Arises

This Week’s Quotation: Whatever arises, let me dwell in the secret place of the most high.Let there be a place of stillness within the midst

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The Body Temple

This Week’s Quotation: The Holy One whose temple the body is has been excluded therefrom. Can we sense through radiant observation the holiness of the

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