The Reason for Attunement

This Week’s Quotation:

The only way by which a person may participate in an attunement is to experience a new consciousness of identity, so that one is serving with respect to the instrument of the body and the mind and the heart, and through it out into the world. One can’t do that with the body and the mind and the heart in the human ego pattern.

~ Martin Cecil

The Reason for Attunement

Anne-Lise Bure
Anne-Lise Bure,
A Cosmopolitan in Love with Truth

Why is what Martin Cecil asserts so important, and how do we experience a new consciousness of identity today?

In Genesis 1:27 we read that after the whole world was created God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

If we were created in the image and likeness of God, how come we are so confused and ignorant about our God-given identity and gifts? Could the ‘fall of consciousness’ have been so great that our remembrance is so challenged? In the human ego state, humanity is engulfed by loneliness and fear, ignorance and tyranny. Are we desperate enough yet to come out of the ego state, and into a new consciousness of identity in the Divine pattern, the pattern that we were originally created to express out into the world as co-creators with our Creator?

Recently, I attended a memorial of a friend whom I did not know very well. However, I always enjoyed our kinship walking our spiritual paths together. Every time we met, I was struck by his clear divine characteristics—an upright man of integrity and word—a noble man. Beyond words and language, I knew that he was a man of God who had unlocked divine superpowers in this day.

I invite you to contemplate being created in the image and likeness of God and meditate on how you would express yourself differently when attuned to the divinely encoded character of that divine pattern.

Furthermore, I invite you to see the full potential of sharing attunement and experience the true reason why attunement is so powerful. Let’s restore the character of humankind to its original divine design in identity and character through this God-given technology from ancient days, forgotten and now remembered through each one of us.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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6 days ago

So beautifully put by all – a discussion of belief and knowing and caring and opening to even more. Love Surrounds us All

6 days ago

Dear Anne-Lise-What a clear message from Martin and You Anne-Lise.
I have read it in the early morning and now later in the afternoon.
What a resounding invitation.
To put my arms around my true identity,holding my head up High,feel the love in my heart in whatever is moving in my world………… is worthwhile to live and be in it together.
More to express to hold and to explore. Thank You Anne Lise.Love Irene

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
7 days ago

Thank you, Anne-Lise and Martin, for describing the true nature of Attunement and just what we incarnated on earth to do. I have been conscious of my Divine nature ever since I read the words “You are Divine,” in Martin’s book AS OF A TRUMPET 55 years ago. But there is always more to express and at almost 83, I am still training my body, mind and heart to express more of who I AM.

Tom Cooper
7 days ago

I accept your invitation, Anne-Lise, and find that being created in God’s image is very empowering and at the same time it brings and awareness of how much more there is to see and expand in consciousness about my own identity. And I agree with all you say. Let us be as Martin so inspires, free of ego-driven actions and intentions – powered by the love of and guidance by true SPIRIT. Love, Tom

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