The Spirit of the Single Eye

This Week’s Quotation:

I am the Spirit of the Single Eye.

I am the All-seeing Eye of Providence.

I see reality.

Opening the Seven Spirits of the seven major endocrine glands

David Karchere
David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

This week, the Attunement Meditation is the second in a series of seven meditations for the opening of the Seven Spirits of the seven major endocrine glands. The readings follow this order:

  • The Spirit of Blessing, the pancreas
  • The Spirit of the Single Eye, the adrenals
  • The Spirit of the New Earth, the gonads
  • The Spirit of Purification, the thymus
  • The Spirit of Life, the thyroid
  • The Spirit of the Womb, the pituitary
  • The Spirit of Love, the pineal

I invite you to join me over these seven weeks in this process of spiritual activation.

David Karchere

The Spirit of the Single Eye

I am the Spirit of the Single Eye. I am the All-seeing Eye of Providence. I see reality.

I know who I love, and I know who I serve.

I am never fooled by the false oracles and strident lies of the world around me.

I forsake all judgment of humankind. I see the deep, still waters of the human soul.

I see you for who you are. I see with eyes of kindness; eyes that shine with awakened sight.

And with the illumination that comes like the sun’s light shining through leaves in the morning.

I am the Spirit of the Single Eye.

I am the All-seeing Eye of Providence.

I see reality.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

The Spirit of Love

The Spirit of Love

This Week’s Quotation: I am the Spirit of Love. I am the highest love. I am the source of all Creation. Opening the Seven Spirits

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This Week’s Quotation: The greater fulness of the release of God Being from within yourselves appears, that there may be the fuller expression of that

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The Spirit of Thanksgiving

Gratitude—the spirit of thanksgiving in all things—allows the experience of Attunement of our outer human experience with the inner mystical powers that animate it. Thanksgiving is what allows Shekinah to be expressed, manifest, and known.

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3 years ago

Such an important Spirit allowing us to sharpen our depth of focus on what truly matters and not be diverted. May we all see and be in the essence of the Spirit of the Single Eye.

Marja Pretzer
Marja Pretzer
3 years ago

Beautiful, this is really speaking to me.Thank you

3 years ago

The spirit of the single eye sees with love and truth. No conflict, no judgement. Seeing with the eyes of God. I love the invitation from Uranda to “ask yourself, what would God do?” A beautiful invitation to live in the spirit of the Single Eye. Thank you David for focusing our sessions of sacred considerations.

Kari Bye
Kari Bye
3 years ago

Spirit of the Single Eye –
How life was meant to be,
to see reality.
This must be the greatest guide
for daily practice,
what you have outlined here.
Yes, my practice is
to clearly see.

Marilyn Manderson
Marilyn Manderson
3 years ago

What clear and knowing words you have shared! This morning I received a call from a long time friend. She has been ill and in pain. As we connected and spoke together we clearly touched the depth of love we know for one another. I offered a distance Attunement to her. After conversation… listening and understanding her present situation… we made a yet deeper connection, one with another, and allowed that love current to flow ever more strongly between us, and in fact more sincerely and genuinely than ever before. Listening to her experience, but not placing primary focus on the illness or the pain, with compassion and no judgement, freed something brand new between us. In the end we also came to a very practical ideas together as to how she could more easily get out of bed in the mornings. The interchange of light filled conversation,focus on the beauty and reality of our connection, her children, her cat and the artistic gifts she is known for brought a joyous moment of recognition, as to how to maintain that stance in consciousness, in any moment. Thank you!

3 years ago

It seems for me – that this one is the most complicated in my world today – I am never fooled by the false oracles and strident lies of the world around me. Watching our world seems more confusing than I ever remember….

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