Arise in Attunement with the Circle of Life

Arise and come experience the ‘Big Reconnect!’ That was the call that drew thousands of awake people of all ages to celebrate conscious community at the Arise Music Festival hosted August 5-7 at Sunrise Ranch, nestled in the beautiful Eden Valley, near Loveland, Colorado. The Sunrise Ranch community, dedicated to the practice of conscious living and sustainable organic farming for over 70 years, co-hosted this event in partnership with the Arise Music Festival Founders.

The invitation to come away from identification and entanglement with the reactive ways and legacy of a dying world culture, aptly named the “Big Disconnect,” was powerfully brought by David Karchere and friends as part of the Arise Festival celebration service held in the Dome chapel at Sunrise and live streamed around the world this past Sunday.

At the heart of our true connection with life, we hear the inner voice of our True Identity felt as a living presence in the deep, sacred silence within our core.

Individually and as a collective around the globe, we are awakening to the wise serenity, understanding nature, noble presence and pure tone of our inner voice. We hear it calling us to enter into the deep peace of stillness and from there, to let the radiance and healing energies move from us into a fragile, sad, despairing world, both for its healing restoration and to create a new world right where we are in the midst of troubled and difficult times.

The voice within calls us to come Home, where we belong together in true kinship with all people and with the incredible diverse beauty of life in all creation everywhere.

So, why not, right here and now, let go of any and all distractions you are aware of in your outer world of experience and let go into the deep space of silence and stillness that resides within you. Be in that oneness, connected with all that is and feel the peace of your indwelling presence. Come into attunement once again within the great Circle of Life. As David Karchere described it during the Arise service, be in that natural state that welcomes a living ecosystem to emerge into your awareness and shape a way of living in this new world we are called to co-create.

Arising in consciousness to the presence of true identity is beautifully portrayed in Solomon’s words from his poetic song of praise and wonder for his Beloved, the living presence of who we are, dwelling in the higher realms of our Being, lovingly witnessing our human life.

The voice of my Beloved Behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains and skipping upon the hills. My Beloved is like a roe or a young hart, he standeth behind our walls. He looketh forth at the windows, shewing himself through the lattice. My beloved spake and said unto me, rise up my love, my fair one and come away—for lo the winter is past . . . .

This evoked in me a picture of an old and cold, tired, unfeeling shadow world, grey with separation and dying, created by fearful ambition and greed for power, a bullying need for control of hearts and minds. It is a civilization that is falling and crumbling, its culture and institutions burning to ashes by self-imposed hatred and violence, now beginning to be freed from pontificating, colonizing leadership who carry the shame of masked pride, enslaving dogma and domination that spawns cruel human abuse. These false images are now being exposed as duped puppets parading their clanging sounds of empty false promises and humanity is awakening from the hypnotic spell of a self-destroying, self-serving humanity.

May we continue to Arise and embrace our true nature in loving service and kinship, reconnected with the Great Circle of Life. We and our children have come into the world to celebrate this grand cycle of awakening and to stand up to play our parts as the Creator Beings we remember we are.

In community of friendship
– Howard Goodman

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Love is comfort and solace. Love is joy and fulfillment.
Love finds the way. Love is the way.
How large is Love? How long is it?
What color is Love? Where does Love stop?
Love is infinite. Love is eternal.
Love appears in all colors. It never ends.
Love is everything. It is all things.
And without it, we are left with nothing.
Love is you. Love is me.
It overarches us all. It pervades us all, embraces us all, and holds us all.
Love is all.

Attunement Meditations Blog

Spiritual Fitness

This Week’s Quotation: Let us accept the character that is present from which springs spiritual expression. Accept oneself! As long as life remains in the

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