Attunement Meditations

The Influence of Subtle Energy

Are you a person who desires a greater experience of Attunement in your life? A greater sense of being attuned emotionally? A greater sense of peace inside? And reduced stress in your body? 

If so, I invite you to subscribe to Attunement Meditations. Every Monday, you will receive an e-mail that brings you the spirit of Attunement. And it contains a link that lets you share any thoughts you might have regarding the e-mail message on this website where the words of the e-mail are posted online.

We offer Attunement Meditations for free.

A Weekly Attunement Quotation

Each Attunement Meditation begins with an inspiring quotation from our vast library of Attunement literature. That is followed by my meditations on the quotation, based on my response to it and my own experience of Attunement.

The quotations are mostly from the man who founded the practice of Attunement in 1929, Lloyd Arthur Meeker, and a man who worked closely with him, Martin Cecil.

A Conscious Journey

My goal is to take you on a journey in consciousness every Monday. Of course, to do that, I have to go on that journey myself. As I do, I can feel my energy shift. I have a new emotional awareness and a new perception of the day. I land more fully into the present moment and gain a deeper understanding of life.

From what my readers tell me, they have a similar experience as they read the Attunement Meditation. They move from anxiety to assurance. From emotional restlessness to emotional warmth.

My whole life experience tells me that deep meditation is like that.

The Definition of Attunement

What is Attunement? The meaning of the word is exactly what it sounds like. Attunement is tuning in to the source of your wisdom. It is increased awareness of the presence of the love inside you.

When you attune, you are plugging into the source of life energy. So you feel the current of life in your body when you attune to it.

Attunement Is a Conscious Spiritual Practice

The practice of Attunement has a profoundly positive effect on the human energy field. When a person is in Attunement, they feel radiant energy moving through their emotions. That same energy inspires their mind to think positive thoughts. And they express positive energy to the world around them without really trying.

But what causes a person to have an experience of Attunement?

Attunement is initiated in a person’s deep mindfulness meditation practice. This is a deliberate pattern of thought that leads the rest of the human experience into a place of Attunement. There is a way of thinking that calms the emotions, and then sparks a feeling of love for life, love for oneself, and love for your relationships with other people.

The Attunement Meditations are an example of this process. The words of it are like breadcrumbs that show a way home. They guide a conscious journey to a greater awareness of sacred presence and a heightened awareness of the present moment.

An Emotional State That Is Conducive to a Tranquil Mind

When this starts to happen, the feeling of love supports the mindfulness meditation practice. It feeds the whole psychology of that person. Now a person’s emotional state is conducive to a tranquil mind. And the inspired thoughts they are thinking are feeding their heart instead of antagonizing it.

Inner Peace

What I am describing is an experience of inner peace. You might think the phrase is trite. But aren’t we all looking for an experience of inner peace?

This is what I mean by a conscious spiritual journey. It takes you to an experience that includes all the facets of human psychology—your thoughts, emotions, moods, and attitudes. And then it leads to an experience of something that transcends all that. You can’t really define that experience in words, though you can use words to name it.

It is simple just to say that it is a spiritual experience.

Attunement Affects Your Whole Life

When you think about it, could there be anything more pivotal in a person’s life than their Attunement? A person’s response to life—to the world around them and their response to the source of life within them—determines everything else.

We all witness people who feel victimized by the present moment—by their relationship with other people and by the circumstances of their life. They have lost their connection to the love inside them. They have stopped responding to the impulse to pour their love out into their world.

But how about us, ourselves? How is the connection to the source of our love inside us? Are we attuned to it?

There should be no shame if we find that we are not as attuned as we would like to be. Shame doesn’t help anything. The only thing that helps is touching our own deep desire to know Attunement, to come to a place of inner peace.

Attunement Changes Everything

When we begin to experience that, it changes everything. Attunement changes every relationship we have. It changes the way emotions and energy flow in all our relationships.

Attunement changes our level of creativity in our life. New levels of inspiration bring imaginative thinking to the mind. And a new expression of feeling to the words we speak and everything we do.

David Karchere

Attunement Teacher and Author

My name is David Karchere. I am the author of Attunement: Opening the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands, a set of 49 Attunement Meditations and Prayers. 

Since I was 18 years old, I have been an Attunement practitioner. Today, I teach the Attunement process for the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado, U.S.A.

Through this weekly Attunement Meditations blog, I hope to inspire people to respond to life in a different way. I seek to show, by the example embodied in the text of each article, what it is like to enter a state of deep mindfulness meditation that leads their whole experience into an understanding and personal knowing of the Attunement process.

I believe that, together with other people who are attuned to the power of love within us all, we can change the culture in which we live. We can change the world.

All this, just because you read a weekly article sent to you in an e-mail. Yes. This could be the start of something big!

People Who Are Attuned to the Power of Love

I believe that, together with other people who are attuned to the power of love within us all, we can change the culture in which we live. We can change the world.

People Who Are Attuned to the Power of Love

All this, just because you read a weekly article sent to you in an e-mail. Yes. This could be the start of something big!

Love is comfort and solace. Love is joy and fulfillment.
Love finds the way. Love is the way.
How large is Love? How long is it?
What color is Love? Where does Love stop?
Love is infinite. Love is eternal.
Love appears in all colors. It never ends.
Love is everything. It is all things.
And without it, we are left with nothing.
Love is you. Love is me.
It overarches us all. It pervades us all, embraces us all, and holds us all.
Love is all.

Attunement Meditations Blog


This Week’s Quotation: In Realization is the absolute awareness of the Presence of the Wonderful One within. Realization reveals the Truth that in the Presence

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