
This Week’s Quotation:

We are beings belonging to a realm that is invisible as far as this world is concerned.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker


David Karchere
Attunement Teacher and Author

It is a big topic—the sense of belonging. And there are so many dimensions to it; feeling like you belong in your family, your community, or your workplace. Or sometimes not.

Issues of belonging can become so extreme for a person that they wonder if they belong in this world at all.

An Attunement Practitioner knows that the key to a strong and authentic sense of belonging is captured in the words of the quotation above. I know that belonging to something invisible can seem elusive and abstract—seemingly far less immediate and palpable than a person sitting next to you. But this is about the origin of things and knowing what causes a sense of belonging and what results from that cause.

As ephemeral as it might seem to be, there is a dimension to our human experience that is the source of Love and belonging. Call it the realm of angels, heaven, the cosmic realms, or whatever you like. It is an essential reality that is not only “up there” and spread throughout the universe but available to our own heart and soul. And it is only invisible for as long as we ignore it.

When we tune into the reality that we belong to that realm—that we belong to Love itself, we are children of Love—then it becomes visible. We feel it in our bodies. We see the essence of it all around—in the trees, ocean, and sky. We belong to nature. And we see it in the people around us. Yes, there is all the craziness of the world in which we live. But there is a goodness that transcends the crazy. We belong to that. And the people in our life belong to us. They are our people.

I hope you find it easy to see how this sense of belonging, and the origin of it, is intrinsic to the experience of Attunement.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

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Bruce Fitzsimmons
Bruce Fitzsimmons
2 years ago

Belonging: Trusting, accepting all that passes through me. Allowing myself to love unconditionally is bringing a whole new experience of life for me and the people in my world. I am deeply grateful to participating with all of you in discovering belonging in this invisible world that is slowly opening up for all of us to discover for ourselves.

Heather Allen
Heather Allen
3 years ago

I am so longing to belong, to find people who feel.the same way i do, who realize that nature is who we belong to, that the craziness of this world is an obstacle to overcome to find our true selves….

David Karchere
David Karchere
3 years ago
Reply to  Heather Allen

Thanks for this, Heather. Yes, and what I found was that the critical piece of craziness to overcome was within myself. After that, the rest of it becomes a lot easier.

And here’s to finding people who feel the same way I do.

Mary Dixon
Mary Dixon
3 years ago

Yes so agree….in order to enfold others in Attunement I tune into a deep stillness, where there is a sense of Home and a belonging to the vastness of the Cosmos. I acknowledge the Presence in the invisible realm which vibrates continually in all living things. I share the deep Love.

Diana de Winton
Diana de Winton
3 years ago

There is an ease that comes in simply knowing that I belong. That state has always been available and it takes only relaxing into it, feeling the refreshing state of it and letting it be the natural pulse that is so easy to be expressed in any moment of living.

Marja Pretzer
Marja Pretzer
3 years ago

So very relevant in these turbulent times.Blessings and 💜💜💜💜💜💯

3 years ago

Yes we belong together, I am thankfull for each time we all are coming together for the deeper experience of bringing spirit on Earth. It has it s effect on everydayl s ife . And through the proces of reciprocity and the continuation of that ,its a regular healthy heartbeat.

Love Irene

3 years ago

Belonging to my Community is a major blessing…..

Tom Cooper
3 years ago

Absolutely. David wrote “But there is a goodness that transcends the crazy. We belong to that. And the people in our life belong to us. They are our people.” Totally with you in belonging UPWARD and knowing those in my field belong to me in the way you describe. With you in the intensification of this reality. Love, Tom

Phyllis Kotyk
Phyllis Kotyk
3 years ago
Reply to  Tom Cooper

It is privilege to be consciously aware of the love current and to know that we belong
to it and it belongs to us. As we attune with that tone we recognize it in our world and
celebrate it at every opportunity, allowing it to be magnified many times over.

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