Christmas Morning

This Week’s Quotation:

Of course it could be said that Christmas is a manmade feast; it comes out of a pagan background pattern; but it has been correlated with something that has real meaning, in the recognition of the birth of the Christ, the birth of the Christ within the world of man, within the body of mankind, within every member of that body.

~ Martin Cecil

Christmas Morning

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

It is Christmas morning at Sunrise Ranch in Colorado. From our home to yours, Merry Christmas!

There is so much about the Christmas holiday that doesn’t have anything directly to do with what the holiday celebrates. Or even with the pagan tradition Martin references. I suppose it all might be part of the joy of the season.

But what does the Christmas carol, Frosty the Snowman, have to do with what Christmas is all about? Or I’ll have a blue Christmas without you?

Listening to a station with Country Western Christmas songs, I realized, O! These songs aren’t really about Christmas per se. They are about what people experience around the holidays. Realizing that, I could enjoy the songs for what they were.

But for me, Christmas can become vacuous if I don’t get right to the heart of what it is about. And Martin puts his finger on it so simply. The birth of the Christ within the body of mankind and within every member of that body.

From a physical perspective, we are separate individuals. Yet, at other levels of our experience, what happens for one of us happens for us all. So, when Jesus was born and brought the Christ Spirit into the world, that Spirit entered the experience of all people in that day—and of all people since, including us. That doesn’t mean that people have necessarily awoken to it. But it is present with them, nonetheless.

This was the birth of what is central to all people around the world—not just Christians, not just “believers,” not just people of the Western world. The Christmas angel proclaimed a birth that brought great joy to all people.

All people are included in that joy. It is present with all people and known when we open to it. And when we open to it, we are held within that central Love at the core of who we are as human beings.

This is Attunement.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

The Trumpeter

This Week’s Quotation: This word “spirit,” then, describes something that is quite indescribable. If we are thinking of these things in terms of the trumpeter

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Attunement Technique

So we are dealing with what? A process of fighting against disease? Not at all. We are dealing with a creative process that puts something where something has been absent, where it was not. We are not dealing with disease. We are not fighting disease, any more than we would fight the darkness. We are sharing with the Creator the work of putting something somewhere where before it was not. It was absent, perhaps from the liver or something else, in some person’s body or mind or heart. But to put something where there was an absence of that something, that is what we are doing: sharing with God the responsibility of creating. And we cannot do it unless we are in Attunement with God. It is done as we help the individual come into Attunement with God.

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Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
1 year ago

What is beautifully implicit in your words, David, is that the Christmas story is our story. What an impetus your words provide to bring the Christ spirit more fully into my living this day and all that follow.

Shareen Ewing
Shareen Ewing
1 year ago

Thank you for the Attunement considerations of recent weeks.
Being held at the center of Love at the core could be just words on a page…unless I am penetrated to MY core and thereby inspired to share that Spirit with my world. We are truly one in that Spirit and changes are thereby wrought far beyond me. Attunement is central to it all! Thank you!

1 year ago

Merry Christmas Spirit All – Love and Light

Tom Cooper
1 year ago

Yes. JOY to all. PEACE to all. May the spirit behind Christmas reach all as an attunement current of great praise and joy …. to the world! Love, Tom C.

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