Tuning Out the Static

This Week’s Quotation:

One of the things that is of vital importance in relationship to receiving an Attunement—it also applies to all phases of life and spiritual progress along the way—is the translation of the spiritual impulse. The human being is bombarded by impulses that are not of the spiritual source. The world is full of static, which will interfere and disrupt your reception if you do not keep it tuned out. And the impulses that come from distortion patterns, whether within yourself or within others, must not be allowed to control. The present chaotic condition of the world is manifest primarily because human beings let these bombarding impulses control instead of bringing them under control. There can be no constructive thing in the outworking of life without control. So we are interested in learning how to translate spiritual impulses into the true pattern of life expression. There must be the Attunement with the source of the spiritual impulse if one is to receive it. And so an Attunement is primarily designed to help you to come into clear-cut attunement with your spiritual source of life. 

Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Tuning Out the Static

David Karchere
David Karchere
Attunement Teacher and Author

When Lloyd Arthur Meeker wrote these words in 1953 there was definitely less static in the world than there is today. The world population has almost tripled in these past 67 years. In 1953 the world population was 2.7 billion and 31% of the population lived in urban centers. Today, there are 7.8 billion people on Planet Earth and 56% of us live in urban centers. 

But not only that. We are inundated by mass media, social media, e-mail and text. We’ve gone from 1G to 5G with bandwidth multiplying 30 thousand times over. And the vibration of all that activity is palpable. Like many people, when I visit New York City I can feel its massive energy field as I drive over the Hudson Bridge into Manhattan. And so it is around the world.

Attunement practitioners know that the key to tuning out the flood of human static is to tune into something else. We realize something that seems to be so largely ignored by our culture—that a human being is a marvelous tuning system, designed to open more and more over the course of a lifetime to the intelligent power source that made us. We know that our tuning mechanism includes our delicate emotional nature. And that when our emotions are tuned to the carrier wave of Universal Love, our mind begins to think differently. We cease thinking in unending circles of anxiety and judgment of others. 

Even our physical body and our wondrous endocrine glands are designed to tune into higher-level frequencies to activate and inspire the best of the human experience.

We are definitely made with the ability to tune into something. I let in the unending source of love, wisdom and life. Right now. Turn your thoughts and feelings away from the static. Give yourself a moment of bliss. Tune into it. And then, just keep that Attunement going. Care for that connection. Make space for it from this day forward. Your human soul will thank you.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at david@sunriseranch.org

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