Understanding the Invisible

This Week’s Quotation:

The human mind has the propensity of refusing to believe that which it cannot see. That is one of the things that has kept mankind in darkness of course. It has tried to base understanding in that which it is capable of observing in the outer sense alone, and consequently it has ignored the vital factors which are invisible.

Martin Cecil

Understanding the Invisible

David Karchere
David Karchere
Attunement Teacher and Author

I am not willing to forsake the gains that Western culture made through The Age of Reason, otherwise known as The Enlightenment. It featured the scientific discoveries of natural philosophers likes Galileo and Kepler. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant gave voice to the ethos of the era: Dare to know! Have courage to use your own reason!

And yet, logic and reason regarding physical reality have not been sufficient to lead me to a fulfilling, meaningful life. How about you? I’ve had to accept the substantiality of things I can’t see.

Attunement is the art and science of understanding what is invisible. It includes the recognition that there are dynamics in the human energy field that are instrumental to health and wellbeing. 

The teaching of Attunement trains practitioners to gain an awareness of the connection between mechanisms in consciousness and the invisible layers of human experience. Simply put, Attunement trains us to learn the patterns of thought and feeling that lead to spiritual health and promote physical wellness.

If the experience of Attunement interests you, try this. No matter what is transpiring in your life right now, feel the life force in your body. Feel the pumping of the blood and the latent power from head to toe. Now, contemplate the miracle of life itself. And the fact that you get to experience it. You are alive. Express your appreciation for the gift of that energy in you—your life. Find a way to put your gratitude into words. Thank you for this life. Say it again, perhaps in a different way. Let appreciation deepen in your heart.

Now feel what has changed in your human energy field. 

That is Attunement.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at david@sunriseranch.org

Attunement Meditations Blog

The Truly Esoteric Way

This Week’s Quotation: The occult teachings of the world have taught that long years of special training in special schools, under so-called masters, were necessary

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The Fruition of Love

This Week’s Quotation: The fruition of love is oneness with the God Being within. That which does not draw thee into the inner oneness is

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Kari Bye
Kari Bye
4 years ago

Just to sit in silence and feel the life force in my body is a connection to both heaven and earth. I am alive. I am thankful.
I am here between heaven and earth, I feel the earth below me, I feel heaven above me, I feel my body, I feel my breath. It is God’s breath, giving life to my body. I breath deeply, and I welcome a new day, with joy, and thankfulness.

Karen Pritchard
Karen Pritchard
4 years ago

Indeed an invisible power which cannot be underestimated or negated by anyone alive. For through the invisible elements Creation is born. Deep thinking, deep healing held in the loving Positive chalice manifests possibility beyond our human perception. Everything we see, feel and touch is created from the Invisible with deep passionate love from the human mind.

As I watched the way the wind moved through my garden and in the sails of boats I realised the flow of Attunement, the flow of creation in its invisible form, moving thoughts into being ❤️

Anne Lise
Anne Lise
4 years ago

How beautiful Life is and this message – we take so many things for granted and seem to get so easily caught up in the busyness of a day, that we forget the privilege of being alive and the all-giving breath of Life.

Jane Anetrini
Jane Anetrini
4 years ago

Brilliant, simple and life changing. Thank you

4 years ago

I am so deeply thankful for all that Attunement has brought into my life. I have witnessed and experienced many healing events through this sacred practice.both physical and spiritual. Thank you David for your precious time and for sharing inspiring thinking with our world.

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