Unending Love

This Week’s Quotation:

For an individual, there is no transmutation of the human experience unless that person stays centered long enough for Unending Love to change the depth of their experience. We are connected with Unending Love through all the layers of human experience, and they are all needed. Our connection is through the subconscious mind and heart. Unending Love has to reach those spaces of the human experience if there is going to be real change.

~ David Karchere

Unending Love

David Karchere
David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

This week’s quotation is from a transcription of my words at an online Attunement Service offered by Sunrise Ranch yesterday. I spoke of the Unending Love that is available to all of us as people. It might seem like a romantic notion, perhaps a fanciful one. But very literally and practically, the power of the cosmos doesn’t end. Or at least we don’t expect it to in our lifetime.

I doubt you would be reading this if you had not tuned into Unending Love at some point in your life. If you have even once, it is proof positive that it is there for you. It is available.

Prayer is often thought of in a religious context. But I’m thinking now of times in our life when our heart cries out to know Unending Love; when we are feeling a vacancy or loneliness, and a deep craving for Love to enter us, to comfort us, and to fill us. That deep craving, which Jesus spoke of as hungering and thirsting, is the essence of prayer.

The conscious acknowledgment of that craving breaks up the hardpan that tends to form on the surface of the human heart.

Here where I live at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado, there is a tendency for the soil—which is full of clay—to form a hardpan so that when it rains, water simply drains away. And even after a real downpour, a day later, the land can be dry. So farmers sometimes plow their fields to break up the hardpan. Sometimes, they plant large radishes or certain other crops to break it up.

And so it is with us as human beings. If we’re not careful, a hardpan forms. The underlying layers of consciousness become dry. And we feel it as vacancy or loneliness.

In the dynamics of the human experience, we can let the craving for Unending Love within us erupt through the hardpan, breaking it open to let Love rain down into us, changing us. But we have to acknowledge our craving for it to surface.

They say the confession is good for the soul. How about confessing this?

I feel the vacant and lonely dimensions of my human soul. And I crave the rain of Unending Love.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at david@sunriseranch.org

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1 year ago

The hard pan for me right now is Cancer… so unending love can help me break that up into particles that allow flow. It is a minute to minute practice.

Debra Louise
Debra Louise
3 years ago

Thank you David for your wise words.

Kari Bye
Kari Bye
3 years ago

Unending Love. What does that mean? Love your partner as long as you both shall live? A sense of loyalty? Yes, that is what it is. A loyalty to God. To the Source of Love. When this is my experience, that I carry with me unending Love, my presence will give a feeling of trust for those I meet.

3 years ago

As much as I am a bit tired of snow and that may be my ‘hardpan’ for the moment – at the same time – I bless every snowflake that turns to water and has been soaking our land.

Marilyn Manderson
Marilyn Manderson
3 years ago

Thank you David! As I am open to the unending flow of love which is ever ready to move through me at all levels of my Being, change is inevitable. The heart drinks in that love as feelings of hurt, pain and hardness are available to be softened by that power of love. The mind is soothed by the very nature of the presence of a surround that has compassion and understands and is instantly forgiving. The body finds total ease and relaxation as the steady presence of love is allowed to penetrate all systems and cells in the capacity. I must be conscious to allow love its way as I release what is no longer useful at all levels, and let the radiance of love bring the next iteration of my expression into my world/the world for renewed blessing..

Rick Bischoff
Rick Bischoff
3 years ago

Your words flow into me easily and I agree totally. The hard pan has been breaking up in me this morning and I am so very thankful to hear and feel your words that at once are comforting and further that breaking up in me. Thank you very much for this post.

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