Let Go

Let go, let go . . .
Let go all . . .of what you know

Let it all go . . .

Return, return . . .
Come back to Innocence

Innerspace of No…Thing
No need . . .No need . . .
Now Deep Peace
Deep resting in Wonder . . .
And Love’s heart soft in Fullest Gratitude . . .
For life, for breath
For sanctuary of Being

Breathe, yes breathe, take it all in

Now, breathe out Praise in Greatest Thanks….
sweet Incense of loving heart ascends
merging in Presence of the One Who Dwells
Deep Within . . . You . . . and within all that lives.

All attachment gladly surrendered
Oh, Sweet Lord – Here Am I

– Howard Goodman

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Love is comfort and solace. Love is joy and fulfillment.
Love finds the way. Love is the way.
How large is Love? How long is it?
What color is Love? Where does Love stop?
Love is infinite. Love is eternal.
Love appears in all colors. It never ends.
Love is everything. It is all things.
And without it, we are left with nothing.
Love is you. Love is me.
It overarches us all. It pervades us all, embraces us all, and holds us all.
Love is all.

Attunement Meditations Blog

The Truth Within Us

This Week’s Quotation: So it isn’t a matter of recalling words out of the past, whether those words were the words of Jesus or anybody

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Right Conditions

There is one thing that is essential before the divine manifestations can appear, and that is the right conditions. If something is made to appear by human beings it will not be the divine manifestation. The divine manifestation waits until the conditions are right and then it does not have to be forced. When spring comes things start to grow. We do not have to go out and push them. ~ Martin Cecil

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