The Purpose of Attunement

This week’s quotation:

The purpose of Attunement is this: To establish alignment in the body and mind and heart with the natural life forces of Being, and alignment in the body with the forces of life from Source.

We can experience alignment—those changes necessary to the fulness of health and strength in body and mind and spirit—only as we remain true in polarity and abide.

Lloyd Arthur Meeker

How do you sustain and deepen the experience of Attunement?

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher and Author

Most people I meet remember a time in their life when they were initiated into an experience of Attunement. They may not call it that. But still, they can recall a time when the roar of the world faded and they experienced the kind of alignment that Lloyd Meeker’s words speak of. There was a hush and a peace that fell over them, and they experienced all kinds of wonderful things that are unique to each of us.

What fascinates me is what we do after that initiation. How do we let the experience deepen? How do we integrate it into our life? How do we share it with others? And perhaps most importantly, how do we stay in the experience of Attunement when facing the events of the world that challenge us?

Attunement is a way of life. It is a journey. Attunement is a constant revisiting of the highest truth and the highest love of our Being. It is abiding in that reality and reminding ourselves that even if we feel extreme pressure from the world around us, peace reigns supreme in us as we stay centered in what we have come to know.

Peace reigns supreme. The power of love that flows through the heart and the body is filled with light.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

The Body Temple

This Week’s Quotation: As there begins to be a deeper feeling awareness in radiant observation of the wonderful nature of the physical body, of its

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miriam platt
miriam platt
4 years ago

As I read the last line of this weeks Attunement meditation “peace reigns supreme,. The power of love flows through the heart and the body is filled with light ” it’s
not just a powerful statement of truth , It resonates and the vibration in my own heart and being picks up the resonance like a tuning fork and in turn the experience is mine …….
Another tuning fork that invisibly transmits the message . So the magic spreads outward.

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