Attunement to Well-Being

This Week’s Quotation:

The experience of health is consequent upon the fact that the individual has come to know his true self, for the true self inherently contains within It all the qualities and characteristics of life. If you think of life, the vivifying principle which appears through multitudes of forms on earth, can you really think of unhealthy life?

~ Martin Cecil

Attunement to Well-Being

Marilyn Manderson delights in bringing the spirit and expression of Attunement to the world in all aspects of her life.

In my experience as an Attunement practitioner, I had the opportunity to offer attunement in public settings at Wellness Festivals. These would be large gatherings of practitioners sharing various modalities that support health. I recall several situations where people would ask, “Can you tell me what is wrong with me?” I understood the question because of my medical background—I was aware of that common traditional approach. Yet I would always find a way to indicate that Attunement is a practice that focuses on supporting wellness. One quote I have used is, What is right with you is the point, what is wrong, beside the point. I was not being flippant. I was simply indicating where my focus is when sharing an attunement.

When someone requires support for healing, I can share the fullness of Life because I know that at the deepest core of all being is a healthy reality that brings love, truth, and indeed, hope to anyone. In Attunement, the spirit of love is dominant throughout the process. We may have an awareness that something physical could be out of alignment, yet allowing love, and the current and energy of Life to flow through us—through our hands—and offering it to the one with whom we are sharing, our whole capacity has the opportunity to realign and come fully into attunement with what is “right with me” and with the person who is receiving the attunement.

What a world it would be if our primary focus was dominantly on knowing that at the core of ourselves is a healthy being. Not denying that things may go amiss, but resonant with the level where Life prevails. We are all healthy beings! 

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

Abiding in the Storm

This Week’s Quotation: The purpose of attunement is this: To establish alignment in the body and mind and heart with the natural life forces of

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Howard Goodman
Howard Goodman
12 days ago

So clear and beautiful. thank you, Marilyn. What you so effectively share is just true. Focusing on what is right, in me, in another ,,,, or, (in these days a tall order for many) what’s right with the world! for sure, is the only true starting point to shift the direction of the flow to restore health, and wellbeing and bring about the changes the world is so hungry for – all in the attunement current of Love. Thanks again for sharing whats so!

12 days ago

Marilyn – I love this!!!! Thank you!!!!

What a world it would be if our primary focus was dominantly on knowing that at the core of ourselves is a healthy being. Not denying that things may go amiss, but resonant with the level where Life prevails. We are all healthy beings!

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
13 days ago

In a world filled with conflict, corruption and chaos of all kinds, our human capacities are susceptible to going “off the rails.” Good to frequently remind ourselves that at a Higher Level all is well.

Tom Cooper
13 days ago

Yes Marilyn, I fully agree that WHAT IS RIGHT is the starting point and often the entire point. WITH YOU in taking this approach and as you say without denail of what is off course. I so appreciate yours and Martin’s expression as above. … above in many senses. Let us stay above the fray and offer sull-spetrum attunement to our world. With love and thanks, Tom

Carolyn Gruchy
Carolyn Gruchy
13 days ago

Beautiful, Marilyn, thank you! With all that is out of alignment in the world, it’s uplifting to refocus on the vital life force that, in reality, is always present.

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