Attunement With the Spirit of Center    

This Week’s Quotation:

As our own spirit finds polarity in Center, the spirit of Center blends with the spirit of the individual. 

By reason of that blending a true radiation goes out into the world. We are then no longer alone, subject to limitations, but the connecting link whereby the Indwelling spirit of Center can take over and bring perfection into manifestation through individuals.

In attunement with the spirit of Center, one can no longer be shaken by external things.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Attunement With the Spirit of Center   

Howard Goodman, Attunement Teacher, and Practitioner

As I deepen into letting my presence blend with the spirit of Center, as Uranda shared with the early pioneering Sunrise Ranch community back in 1949, my heart fills with gratitude for the amazing drawing power of Love which has brought together a global community of spiritually awake people around the world who share the spirit of Center

Together we are knowing the joy of being at Home together, letting Love radiate into a world in crisis. The human family is desperate for answers, a way toward peace and stability, a way through everything in the world that seems to be falling apart. 

Well here’s the good news! 

Deepening our blended spirits in the spirit of Center, the vibration of Love calls to the hearts and minds of the whole human family to come home to and know the Center within themselves. Our unified Attunement brings a true radiation, as Uranda says, a high vibration, calming the stormy seas in heart and mind, and from the Center, brings order and sanity to a world that is lost without spiritual direction. Even as shadowy power-drunk geopolitical leaders steer the ship of humanity towards the rocks of disaster…. That is NOT our divine destiny!

Has it ever been more vital for our world that you and I honour, love, and stay true to the spirit of Center, shining the Light of Truth as a beacon for the world? May we each stand tall, stay alert, and be fully present to allow the assured victory of Spirit to bring ultimate resolution to this painful chapter of humanity’s fall from divine Grace.

Let the power of the One Spirit in and through us bring hope to a world in crisis, that without attunement with the spirit of Center, will remain fearful, confused, and lost in the chaos!  

So good to be about this vital work together!

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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1 day ago

So good to be in this together Howard
To bring Hope and Love into our World.
And I am joining the Chorus by saying that I came here for this.
Special to recognise each other in this, bringing ones gifts .
Love Irene

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
2 days ago

How true, Howard, that the world is in crisis’ I’m really feeling it here as our new administration seems “off the rails” in many ways. I often just have to pause and let all this external input go, even laughing at the antics of the self-active mind of humanity in its futile attempts to operate our planet. In all of this, let us hold fast to Center.

Anne-Lise Bure
Anne-Lise Bure
2 days ago

‘Let the power of the One Spirit in and through us bring hope to a world in crisis’ – thank you for this powerful reminder that we are co-creators in attunement with Center, we came here for this, to bring Hope to our world. Thank you Howard

2 days ago

As Uranda says, A high vibration, calming the stormy seas in heart and mind, and from the Center, brings order and sanity to a world that is lost without spiritual direction.

What a beautiful reminder to us that there is a vibration within that does help calm the stormy seas – thankfully!!!

Tom Cooper
2 days ago

Yes, Howard, and yes, Uranda. Totally honoring the Spirit of Center with you without distraction by the (good word, howard) powerdrunk rascals who seek to say “the earth is mine” rather than “the earth is the Lord’s”. Wonderful to let the spirit of Center be that which matters most as we dwell in the Holy place. Loving thanks to you. Tom C.

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