Beyond Your Greatest Strength

This Week’s Quotation:

Until you find a considerate and dependable point that is stronger than your own greatest strength, you have nothing in which to truly trust. When that is realized it becomes evident that it is vitally important that every individual should find, by some means, polarity in the Lord. As long as any individual imagines that at some point he is stronger or wiser than that point in which he has polarity in the divine sense, he cannot find fulfilment. There must be trust in the sense of true response to some point that is recognized and acknowledged to be stronger than the individual’s own greatest strength. When a person of strong character is mastered by divine character, there is then that which can be depended upon to remain in position, regardless of external pressures from the world.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Beyond Your Greatest Strength

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

To many people in this post-modern culture, reference to the Lord might seem quaint or archaic. As used here, the word names the reality of Eternal Being within a person, and within all of humankind.

As Attunement practitioners, we are witness to the human experience. And we have a front-row seat to our own. People face many events in their lives, and there are those periods when even a relatively strong person seeks a greater resource within themselves than what they have known, and relies on it.

Call it what you will: Higher Self, Divine Being, Lord, Goddess, or Christ. Such times are an opportunity to acknowledge our human frailty and to embrace what makes us a mountain of Love—the power of the universe—in spite of it.

Such times can deepen our faith—not so much in a doctrine or dogma but in the Reality of the Creator within us and all people. That faith undergirds the practice of Attunement.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

The Power of Love

This Week’s Quotation: There is an inclination for human beings to imagine that one is doing something only when one is acting physically, as though

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1 year ago

Trust is the word that keeps showing up – trusting Spirit – trusting each other – trusting ourselves……

Heather Isom
Heather Isom
1 year ago

Thank you David. Such a beautiful, inspiring message. I am honored to be starting this Journey of Attunement. Love Heather Isom

Marilyn Manderson
Marilyn Manderson
1 year ago

Yes indeed David, my openness to,and communion with, the reality of Source, is the key to allowing all things to be made new in my experience. Otherwise things just keep going in circles in the emotional, mental, and even physical realms, with no space for Spirit to enter in. This is such a vital message in these days of need for clear answers to the state in which the world finds itself . I celebrate the Truth and clarity of this message with you and bring my faith in its outworking moment by moment.

Tom Cooper
1 year ago

Absolutely with you and with Lloyd Arthur Meeker in yielding to that which is beyond my greatest strength. TRUSTING fulling in that process and Higher Power. SURRENDERED with you. Love, Tom

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