Opening the Seventh Seal

This Week’s Quotation:

Until you individually and collectively allow yourselves to come to the point of conceiving something holy and sacred within yourselves by the working of the Holy Spirit, and until you remain centered, faithful, and true, letting that holy thing take form in you, you cannot come to the day of true rebirth, you cannot know what it is to have the seventh seal opened, the seventh step in rebirth, that there may be silence in heaven, that you may know by experience the solemn hush of the birth of the Christ pattern of Being from within yourself.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Opening the Seventh Seal

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

The Seventh Seal is the spiritual gateway for the highest Love in the human energy system. The Seventh Seal is brought to focus through the pineal gland.

I invite you to give yourself a moment of Attunement as you read Lloyd Meeker’s words. He wrote them on December 21, 1952, just before Christmas that year. Through them, he sought to assist people to see the holiday from the perspective of their experience of Attunement. It’s not that the Christmas holiday has no other significance. But seeing the Christmas story as our story changes everything. Not that we were born in a manger or that wise men visited our birth. But if Jesus brought a vivid, conscious awareness of the Spirit of Love to humankind, and the Christmas story is our story, then we can use this time of year to welcome our own vivid experience of the Highest Love. And as we do so, we can bring that Love to the world.

Whatever else happens as we move through this holiday season, let’s enter our own Attunement experience more deeply and invite the world to come with us. Let’s open the Seventh Seal. And let’s know the solemn hush of the birth of the Christ pattern from within ourselves.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog


This Week’s Quotation: In Realization is the absolute awareness of the Presence of the Wonderful One within. Realization reveals the Truth that in the Presence

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Samantha McKune
Samantha McKune
10 months ago

…….to know the hush that all is well…….

Samantha McKune
Samantha McKune
10 months ago

Yes, David, …….”to know the hush of the Christ pattern within”…..

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
10 months ago

Thank you, David and Uranda, for reminding us that “the Christmas story is our story.” Along with celebrating the birth of life in Jesus, I will be celebrating the birth of life in me and in you.

Tom Cooper
10 months ago

Although the experience of opening the Seventh Seal is somewhat over my head since i have so much more yet to express and perceive, I very much welcome it and so value the teachings of both Uranda and David. May the birth of the Christ be one in which we all participate heart to heart. Love, Tom C.

10 months ago

Often, when asked what word or behavior comes into my mind as most important – it is often Kindness. And it is so wonderful that being able to give and receive Attunements – is a magnificent Kindness.

Jane Anetrini
Jane Anetrini
10 months ago

What a beautiful invitation. Thank you, Uranda. Thank you, David. May it be so in me

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