Breaking the Bondage of the Unreal

This Week’s Quotation:

As long as the unreal remains in a position of dominance in the world, the one who dares to walk in the Way must accept such conditions as being inevitable. It is only by the right function of the faithful ones that the bondage of the unreal can be broken asunder and cast down. Your ultimate victory may seem to be far away, but there is a victory at hand for you now. Be of good courage therefore, and rejoice in the opportunities that are granted unto you…

Unswerving confidence in the ultimate victory of reality must be the basis of that faith which carries the earnest one forward regardless of conditions in the outworking of circumstances from day to day.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Breaking the Bondage of the Unreal

David Karchere
David Karchere
Attunement Teacher and Author

I am by nature a positive person. I am grateful that, by some kind of good fortune, I am not prone to depression, and I’ve learned to take joy in life and seek creative solutions to any problems that arise.

And still, the way forward is not always clear. Sometimes, it seems like ignorance is winning in the world. Sometimes, it looks like any kind of creative outcome is impossible, as if I had entered a box canyon with no way out.

Here is what I know. At times like this, a person must embrace what they love and what they know to be true more than ever. At times like this, the fiery passion for creativity must burn hotter than ever. This is a time to embrace life itself.

Is not our human world at such a place? And what is required for anyone who desires to be part of finding the way forward? This post describes an ever-deepening Attunement that shatters the unreality of impossibility that surrounds us.

And so I echo Lloyd Arthur Meeker’s courageous words.

Let our Attunement in living now break the bonds of the unreal so that we see the victory that is at hand.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

The Bubbling Spring

This Week’s Quotation: That which is living, regardless of the measure on the basis of external environment, must be something that comes forth like a

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3 years ago

Yes I Love Attunement and being in alignment,, and as you said David the way forwards is not always clear. But I am bringing with passion clarity in my Life,and holding a space in myself to connect wth the deepest knowing in me, in connection with the flow of whats real . Thank you for what you also are providing for me and beyond Love Irene

3 years ago

Thank you David – such a good reminder of where our thoughts need to be – Unswerving confidence in the ultimate victory of reality must be the basis of that faith which carries the earnest one forward regardless of conditions in the outworking of circumstances from day to day. ~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Marilyn Manderson
Marilyn Manderson
3 years ago

At times like you describe, we must indeed embrace what we love and what we know to be “True”, more than ever. As I look out at the world I would have to be blind to ignore the feeling of impossibility. But from the perspective of alignment/attunement, the powerful, large, rich and abundant perspective you are pointing to…the possibility of Love penetrating that whole world… is most exciting. It will not be done by might or worldly ideas but those dynamics could be transformed within the the ultimate outworking of it all, I believe, moving towards to an every more “real” world for us all. I do not think there is an option in this regard!

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