This Week’s Quotation:
According to the record, Mary conceived and was with child by the working of the Holy Ghost. So must it be with you. Can you by some self-action conceive the holy child of God within yourself? No. With you it must be by the working of the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit. And how shall this holy thing be formed in you? Must you know with your mind, with your intellect, any more than the prospective mother must know, just how each cell is placed, how each member of the body is formed, how each bone is produced and connected to its neighbor, how each organ is caused to grow and begin to function? Which of you by reason of your intellect could fashion the body of a babe within the scope of nine months?
~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker
Can You See The Secret Messages Encoded in the Christmas Story?

Attunement Teacher & Author
I want to begin by apologizing to anyone who finds it hard to get past religious iconography. I don’t mean to imply any kind of dogmatic belief in religious doctrine. I am simply seeking the secret messages relevant to you and me that are encoded in the Christmas story. Of course, if religious symbology is a big issue for a person, they probably wouldn’t have read this far.
But for those who have an open mind, here is what I see. Perhaps we can explore it together.
This week’s Attunement Meditation quotation is from an Attunement class given by Lloyd Arthur Meeker in 1952. He was addressing the opening of the vibrational gateway which centers in the pineal gland—the seventh seal.
Encoded within the Christmas story as it has been passed down to us is the secret formula by which the seventh seal is opened. The story contains some of the most potent symbology within human culture.
As a factual, historical story, there are facets of it that defy science. A virgin birth? And we might contest how the very word virgin was translated and why.
But if we embrace the Christmas story as a symbolic journey, a world of hidden meaning opens before us.
Here’s where the story goes for me.
We are Virgin Mary. Even me, as a man. The human heart and the human spirit are her womb. In the stillness of the solstice—when the sun stands still in the sky—the reality of all we truly are and what we are to become is conceived within us if we open to that holy conception.
In the story, the conception is by the Holy Ghost. While the word ghost is most often associated with Halloween and hauntings, this is the Holy Ghost. Ghost substance is auric substance, or pneumaplasm as it is referred to by Attunement Practitioners. Our spiritual DNA re-impregnates the human soul through the ghost substance at the highest vibrational level—the seventh seal related to the pineal gland. And the Christ Child—the truth of who we are—is born into experience on earth.
This is our opportunity in this Christmas season. Will you join me in this mystical process?
What is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.
David, thank you for bringing these words into conscious creation. I believe we are in a time of gestation, a time of patience, a time of compassion. I receive and accept the holy conception. With patience & perseverance allow it to strengthen within me. Knowing that in right timing all unfolds with Grace. In kind regards for all sisters & brothers in Attunement.
I am conscious of the ongoing inward journey – of gently going into the quietness of alone time. More now than ever, the birth of creativity overflows into me and through the interaction of divine mindfulness and meditation the activity of conception and then birth becomes physically manifest. I know this to be true of creation – if you love the thought so much you either physically create it or manifest it. My career as a graphic designer moved into this way of being very early on. Everything we see feel and touch has been created through the birth of the creative loving heart mind .
Gods hand, gods thoughts loved the ideas of creating a world such as ours he birthed it into being – once we all realise the power of that nothing can stop us recreating a beautiful world continuum. My path is that creating the invisible into the visible hence the statement bringing heaven to earth ❤️ Heaven is visible it it a living element if only we opened our eyes to experience it fully because it’s here ⭐️
Yes, it is a delight to join you in this process. Attunement in my experience relates to my openness to the newness available to me, moment by moment, from these mystical realms you speak of, as well as the very real possibility of that new pulsation coming right on through my capacities into my world. And dominant for me is what I term the reality of love, and how that penetrates and moves through each level of my capacities, and then on our into my world to bless…my gift to bring in this season. Thank you! Marilyn
Messages of Christmas for me:
Holding a WOMB SPACE for the birth of the new.
The Voice of the Angel: FEAR NOT!
Good tidings for ALL people!
Gestation happens in the quietness and stillness and assuredness
grows in the working of the divine process.Trusting to follow one’s
own sensing in truth and love that strength of the Christ spirit grows
blessed and protected. In its own time it is born and our world
experiences grace and blessings.
Thank you David for the gift of your true vision in bringing the truth
of this ancient story to life.
Phyllis kotyk
Yes, David, I join you. This is not just a historical story. It is a description of openness, impregnation growth, and birth. We are all capable of being full of grace and allowing the Holy Ghost to enter us, We birth and reveal the Christ spirit into the world. In human terms, a miracle, in the terms of spirit, life revealed.
Your words, and Uranda’s words are clear, concise and true. They give a fresh and understandable meaning to the “virgin birth,” which has been a mystery to try to understand as historically portrayed. I join you in this mystical process, in the opening of the seventh seal of who we are. Thank you, David, for these potent words of holy conception.
Thank you David! The quote and your words ring true, through and through for me. Beautiful to absorb and express the meaning and experience of this, in this precious moment of creation.
We so need to be aware of the part we play in Creation – a new time – a new understanding of what Life truly is, and How it can truly be……thank you David