Giving and Receiving

This Week’s Quotation:

Giving and receiving are complementary aspects of the nature of the truth of love. In the experience of true being, what is expressed is the truth of love. That is the radiation, giving, aspect; but there is the response aspect, the receiving aspect, which is in balance with the giving. The ability to function rightly in giving includes the ability to function rightly in receiving. One must assume the responsibility of receiving if one assumes the responsibility of identification with the truth of love.

~ Martin Cecil

Giving and Receiving

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

The experience of giving and receiving is relevant to virtually all facets of human experience. For an Attunement practitioner, it is the essential dynamic of the Attunement process. 

For a person learning Attunement, what is most readily apparent is the necessity that they offer Attunement current. But that is only half the picture. Attunement is so powerful because the practitioner establishes a circuit in which there is both giving and receiving. So, the practitioner has to learn what is flowing to them from the person in front of them. And the effectiveness of the Attunement won’t be any greater than their ability to receive.

In life, there are overt acts of giving and receiving. But just as when an Attunement is shared, a flow of subtle energy instills meaning in the overt act. To some degree, this is happening for everyone all the time. Where we have the conscious intent to enter a state where we know the ebb and flow of the truth of love, the quality of what we share with others rises. We practice conscious attitudes that elevate the vibration and the power of the subtle energy that flows from us, mostly unconsciously. And we become keenly interested in receiving from the pure core of other people, even if the flow from them has shut down somehow, as it has for many.

Generally speaking, our culture values the power of giving a gift without recognizing the power of receiving. Yet a person who has learned to receive at the deepest and purest level has learned to draw the truth of love out of another person. And isn’t that the greatest gift of all?

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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1 year ago

This is interestingly one of the greatest lessons of this time on the planet – thank you –

Yet a person who has learned to receive at the deepest and purest level has learned to draw the truth of love out of another person. And isn’t that the greatest gift of all?

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
1 year ago

Yes, David, receiving is such a vital part of the Attunement or any life-affirming process. In former days when someone would offer me an unexpected gift of money or something else of value, I thought it was noble to turn it away. But now I thankfully receive whatever is offered, knowing that this completes the creative cycle.

Tom Cooper
1 year ago

Yes. Receiving matters so much. How can I or anyone give “the Kingdom of Heaven” if i haven’t first received it? How may I give Divine energy to a project if i haven’t first received the “manna” coming from above. Makes total sense. Now to the fun part – living it. THANK you for all you give — evidence of all you have received. Please receive my gratitude. Love, Tom C.

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