Harmonizing With Love

This Week’s Quotation:

He or she who learns to harmonize with love, so that they use it constructively, finds that the greatest and most potent force in the earth is flowing through them. Without love there is nothing. Through love all the conditions of the world are brought into manifestation. How reverently the word should be expressed! How full of deep meanings its every utterance should be!

Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Harmonizing With Love

David Karchere
David Karchere
Attunement Teacher and Author

First of all, I have taken the liberty to edit the pronouns in this quote from 1936 to include both men and women. In the culture of the day, it was common to speak using masculine pronouns to address both men and women. And so I have changed the pronouns for we who celebrate language that explicitly honors the experience of all.

This word love can certainly be fraught with all kinds of human drama. I have heard people who speak and write about spiritual matters who prefer the use of the word compassion or kindness because of this. And these are wonderful words that address the embodiment of love in human character. 

And yet, the word love names something that is, in its essence, the creative power that is the source of all human experience. I know of no other word that carries this meaning so well.

The Attunement Practitioner knows love as the spirit of the pineal gland, which is located within the brain at the apex point of the human energy field. The pineal gland emanates the white light refracted through the rest of the field, like the colors of the rainbow.

The practice of Attunement includes a meditation on the nature of this white light. It is a lifelong meditation. It is learning the mental attitudes and emotional clarity that release this white light into the human energy system. This meditation includes non-attachment to any attitude or emotion that blocks love from entering the human soul and emanating into the world.

Within the mystery of love is all meaning, all purpose and all significance. It is the reason to live.

The mystery of love is behind the desire for truthfulness. Because without truthfulness to love, a person cannot know love for what it is, and the meaning of life fades.

This week, I invite you to enter more deeply your lifelong meditation on the nature of love. Let us find ourselves and each other as we take this journey.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at david@sunriseranch.org

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Life’s Fulfillment

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Kari Bye
Kari Bye
4 years ago

Love. How reverently the word should be expressed! In my culture the word is not used very much, unless it is for very specific people or circumstances. Or in poetry. Is it reverence? Americans very easily and joyfully love all sorts of things. In our speech we like them, we are fond of them. We have two different words for love: Å elske = to love, love as a verb. Kjærlighet = love, as a noun. The latter is not so unusual to express, it is talking about it. The verb to love, not so easy to express in words. Is it reverence? A kind of awe? Or fear?

When I think of the word love as the spirit of the pineal gland, it is something beyond all human and cultural expressions. Beyond words. Non-attachment to any attitude or emotion that blocks love from entering the human soul…. Makes me think of Arnfinn.
As a conscious practice, I will meditate more specifically on the pineal gland, the apex point of my energy field,the essence of love.

Jane Anetrini
Jane Anetrini
4 years ago

You cannot know the fullness of Love, its complex and delightful nature until you allow yourself to be fully taken by it. It is a journey worth taking

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