This Week’s Quotation:
What has been written upon the pages of time has been written, and no man can change it. What has been written upon the Book of Life has been written, and no man can change it. But there is One, the One Who Dwells, who can make all things new, who can cause the former things to pass away, who has the power to say, the authority, the right, to say, “Behold, I make all things new”
~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker
I Make All Things New

Attunement Teacher & Author
Happy New Year!
The calendar prevalent around the world says that this is the first day of 2024. Of course, it isn’t the only calendar. There are the Chinese, Jewish, Ethiopian, and Mayan calendars, and many more.
Our calendar seems arbitrary. Why should this day be the new year? But it is. And it brings a sense of occasion and an awareness of our annual trip around the Sun.
It marks the end of what has been—what cannot be changed. But how do we uncover what is new?
There are many facets to the purpose of Attunement. Central to the experience is openness to the inner reality of ourselves—the One Who Dwells. And when we attune to this reality, it enters our awareness. An inner Love begins to fill us. We begin to think thoughts that are born from Love. We start to paint our world with the Light shining in our soul.
Through the wonder of what is unfolding through consciousness, we perform an act of magic.
Behold, I make all things new.
May this year be truly new for you. May it be full of wonder and pregnant with joy.
May we all sing a new song and write a new story in the Book of Life.
What Is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.
May we all sing a new song and write a new story in the Book of Life.
What a beautiful prayer and blessing – Let us all join together!!
To cleanse the body being is to make all things New. To replenish our body with all things pure and clean is to bring our house in alignment with rebirth, every cell, organ, muscle, bone, thought, feeling replenished with new clarity. When we have taken the time to rebirth our body our home and temple the structure of our holy alignment becomes part of Gods life plan.
We often worship things outside of Our Selves and also feel ashamed for not putting others first or important tasks first. Yet putting Our Selves First is what our purpose in Life is otherwise we are disregarding the pure mechanism of what God has blessed us with which is Life, Where our Soul can be revealed and we can also reveal Our Selves through the self love we’ve given to the Gift God has blessed us with.
Sharing Our Self selflessly because we have the pure healthful capacity to give and give with pure openheartedness.
Having an inner love to fill us, takes work we can’t always think it into being we have to create it into being. Some create it through being physically prepared enough to be the Living Soul of Gods body by becoming A New by practise and by loving who they are.
So natural to join you David in singing the song of the highest vibration of Love sounding in my open loving heart … ushering in a gentle flow of kind peacefilled abundant love awakening a radiant seeing of the human world with a loving gaze emanating kindness joy gratitude and praise as this vibration of Love streams through my human hear and mind… unifying humanness in divine nature….
Yes to a new dance of life sounding the music of love which may be embraced and celebrated by any and all who ‘turn to see’ and welcome into experience the Tone of the High vibration of love and paint the world with its radiance.
Our Attunement brings healing gently dissolving all that has been held onto of the old world, now being released in forgiveness and blessing, cleansed away, made new by the One whose vibrational Presence we bring into the world. Let our dancing and music making reveal the magnanimous beautiful vast overarching Presence of who we are and Who constantly calls to us to play our part in bringing the gift of Universal Love Light and Life into a hungry confused world.
Yes, With you, David! I make all things new beginning with a new consciousness, a new Heaven, a new sense of possibility for what appears to 2024 to many human beings. Let all things be made new! THANK YOU for your constant freshness and vision. Love, Tom C.
As you suggest, David, the experience of “Behold, I make all things new” doesn’t require all new things, i.e. a change of circumstances. Our existing circumstances just as they are can shine with newness if we are centered in the One Who Dwells.