This Week’s Quotation:
From age to age
~ Martin Cecil
Love’s word rings forth,
“The truth is true and all is well,
Unconquerable life prevails.”
Oh, man, whose strident dreams
Lead grave wards,
Return to calm and noble
Character of Life.
Blaze forth pure virtue:
Depart false ambition’s restless schemes.
Busy thought and troubled feeling
Trespass not in virtue’s wise serenity
Where firm control and awful power
Eternally abide.
Here earth’s pains are healed
And cruel chaos of mind’s spawning
Is called again to order and to beauty.
Life Everlasting

This poem by Martin Cecil conveys a stance true to the eternal nature of life and its ever-present availability, as well as my own experience of the practice of Attunement.
When offering Attunement, a non-touch energy medicine experience, the first step is to connect with the ever-present Source of life and the grand eternal design of Love. The current of life force flowing between the practitioner and the person receiving the Attunement is accessed, and there is a natural welcome and recognition of the spirits of one another. We can move together energetically so that life energy courses through our capacities. Holding high in consciousness the grand presence of Love, we move through a time of purification. Busy thoughts and troubled feelings are released.
Blessing and understanding are innate within the process, and newness is possible—and, in my experience, inevitable. This increase in energy is offered into the flow of love occurring and returned to the grander design of life. Deep thanksgiving and a new order and beauty are then known.
At this time of year, fall in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern, I am thinking specifically of the eternal nature of life and its meticulous outworking, cycle after cycle, day by day, moment by moment, ad infinitum. As Martin writes in this poem, the animating presence and power of Love can be known by us when we are open to its reality. As I think of it from the largest perspective possible, is this not something that brings a feeling of faith and trust in the grand design of life and the amazing possibilities for our everyday lives?
What Is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.
Beautiful, and I love the photo – much love, Anne-Lise
Though one might get the opposite impression by observing what is happening in the world, Life is everlasting. And I am here on earth with you, Marilyn, to call cruel chaos of mind’s spawning back again to order and to beauty. Each individual Attunement is a step in this process.
What a wonderful poem, blog, man (Martin!), woman (Marilyn), on-line course, mailing list, and other opportunities on this site. THANK YOU, MARILYN. Love, Tom
Yes Marilyn – so beautifully true – thank you for this precious reminder –
As Martin writes in this poem, the animating presence and power of Love can be known by us when we are open to its reality.