Love Holds All Things Together

This Week’s Quotation:

Love is usually confused with the human capacity to love, which is not love; for love is that spirit of togetherness which unifies man with that which is supreme, and is therefore the force which in the realm of the seemingly intangible operates like the force of gravity in the realm of material things. As gravity holds material objects to the earth, so does love hold all things of truth in a state of wholeness, which is to say, oneness.

Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Love Holds All Things Together

David Karchere
David Karchere
Attunement Teacher and Author

The word love means so many different things to different people. In reading this quote from Lloyd Arthur Meeker, I see him inviting the reader to reach for a transcendent understanding of love. I see him asserting that love is a pre-existing force that is intrinsic to us as human beings. And that while people express love in so many different ways, it is greater than any of its modes of expression.

That awareness is essential for the Attunement practitioner. It means that Attunement is not dependent on anything the practitioner self-generates. The practitioner is simply acknowledging what already is and letting it be activated in human experience through the tremendous powers of consciousness. 

It is remarkable that the more you meditate upon this unifying force as it moves through your own experience and through others, the more powerful it becomes. The more available it becomes to share with others. Likewise, if you pay no attention to this unifying force of love, its effect in your own experience is random, chaotic, and divisive. 

So try this. For at least a few moments now, let your attention go to that mysterious force that is holding your physical body together…moving your thoughts…connecting you with the life force within you. Let it be a meditation of the heart, filling you with appreciation and wonder.

Let the power of love rise within you now, and let it increase in the days to come.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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Attunement Meditations Blog

The Abyss of Nothingness

This Week’s Quotation: Each one here has at some time-and I can safely say many times-passed through an abyss of nothingness. That abyss of nothingness,

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