This Week’s Quotation:
We recognize that the basis for stability is truth. The rock of truth is the firm foundation, but the experience of standing on the rock of truth includes the experience of passion.
~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker
Stability and Passion

Attunement Teacher & Author
Many moons ago, I discovered a simple formula for creativity. I found that when I formed a solid, stable structure for a project, it freed up the fire and flow of my imaginative powers. The project came alive.
I first discovered this formula as I created learning experiences for groups of people. I found that when I set up what seemed to be a rigid schedule for a session, it didn’t confine me. It liberated me to flow, improvise, and engage with people within that schedule. I was set free.
I learned to apply this formula in other arenas of my life.
I’ve come to see that all of life is like that. As I build a solid foundation—a clear understanding of my purpose, trust, and commitment with my friends, and a powerful vision of where I am going—I can let it rip. I have a stable context into which I can pour my passion.
So I agree with what Lloyd Arthur Meeker is saying in this quote. I find that Attunement builds and deepens through passion when it is built upon the rock of what I know to be true.
What Is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.
Thank you for introducing this thought provoking invitation – to join in with passion. An energetic of being which needs to unfold through all of who we are and express. Without passion there is no creation and so the rock, the person is the foundation to form that progressive life line for the sustenance of life itself. Passion is the foundation, the process, the spirit and the creation for all that exists within us, which is birthed forth from us and which allows the breath of life to continue into infinity 💫
I really resonate with having a powerful vision of where I’m going as the foundation , then the trust , understanding of purpose and committment …to those engaged in the project all unfold as I release into Presence. That is my experience certainly in the context of teaching , but not only that .
Discipline became a terrible word in the past – but a solid, stable structure – is actually a great gift to oneself!!!
The Rock of Truth is ongoing in our living experience. Our every day living provides the means and the way, through our responsibility and joy in our Creator-ship. We are the means of living truth of who we are in bringing the fullness of life into the earth. It is the kingdom of little things that we do this, and the greater works shall be done because we are here.
Yes. Truth forever. Nothing else is rock solid so a passion for it tops the bucket list and the shopping list and the “to do” list and the top ten list. It is the #1 passion always. Deep thanks to David, Uranda, and all who have brought the truth of love, Namaste, Tom C.