The Ascending Way

This Week’s Quotation:

Some wonderful blessings were experienced on Easter; we moved to a higher level. But when looking back, we should never find that the high point is behind us. In the world of Christianity, so-called, there are various high points: Easter and Christmas are two outstanding points. And generally speaking, as the year rolls around, there is a sort of up-and-down motion; there is a peak at Easter and another peak at Christmas; in between there may be some minor ones, but it is mostly valley. If there is the reality of movement in the ascending way, then it should not be a matter simply of going up and down.

~ Martin Cecil

The Ascending Way

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

There are so many levels at which we, as human beings, experience—economic, social, physical, and psychological, to name a few.

Yesterday, someone commented to me that behind the layers of her own experience, and the experience of her friends, their spiritual life played a vital role. But it was often unconscious and unseen. She commented on psychological states of depression or simply lethargy that were caused by something missing in people’s spiritual life.

In the quotation above, Martin highlights annual rhythms in the spiritual life of people who celebrate Easter and Christmas. There might be a religious component in these holidays for some. But beyond that, his words point to something happening in the human spirit.

It is so clear to me that the rocket fuel for the human spirit is faith. And faith appears when a person lets Love in.

I’m not talking about religious belief. I am referring to faith in life itself—faith in the goodness and value of life, faith in humanity, and faith in oneself.

Without that kind of faith, expectations for oneself and the life one is living sink. A person settles for a low quality of life, temporarily alleviated by holidays or other special events. Instead of moving through life in joy, the person settles for a bumpy ride.

Faith in life propels a person to move in the ascending way because genuine faith includes faith in the future. Not that you could live in the future now. But faith now lets you know that life is leading you to a future full of promise and possibility.

It is our Attunement that lets love in and lets us live a life full of faith.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

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Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
2 years ago

There are so many places where human beings put their faith: politics and government, military power, religion or some other aspect of human culture. How clear you make it, David (and Martin), that the only thing worth putting our faith in is life itself and the ultimate energy of life flowing from the ordering power of Love.

2 years ago

Being a ‘Living Demonstration’ of a healing outcome – is my experience of the grace of Attunement…..It is our Attunement that lets love in and lets us live a life full of faith.

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