The Golden Threads of the Highest Love

This Week’s Quotation:

May the joy of our knowledge of one another be full. May whatever cloud that might have come between us now be dispelled by the brightness of my vision of you. I behold you in your glory, and I shall hold you safe in that vision all the days of my life.

I know you with a friendship from before the world was. And so I see the golden threads of the highest love woven through your heart beside the wounds inflicted by this world.

~ David Karchere

The Golden Threads of the Highest Love

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

Today, my only child, Helena, is marrying her love, Matt. Last night I read the full Attunement prayer from which this week’s excerpt is taken.

The words speak of the imperative to see the most noble, sacred dimensions of people who walk beside us in life, and to hold them safe in our eyes.

It’s not like there is nothing else happening. We have all been affected by the culture of the world in which we live, one way or another. That part is obvious enough. But we see it differently when we see the golden threads of the highest love.

May Matt and Helena see each other that way. May we all see those around us like that, especially those who walk beside us in this life.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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Attunement Meditations Blog

Giving and Receiving

This Week’s Quotation: Giving and receiving are complementary aspects of the nature of the truth of love. In the experience of true being, what is

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2 years ago

Truly Beautiful!!! What a blessing to Helena and Matt and to all of us who read this.
Love and Light to All

2 years ago

David, there is so much Beauty in people for me to continue to discover With Relish!

To each and every one That is what I delight in. It is indeed My Lord’s position always.

Ah the Beauty of My First Love!

Carolyn G.
Carolyn G.
2 years ago

Such a beautiful vision of and intention for our shared lives! May I live into this place of grace with family, friends, and community. Thank you! And blessings to Helena, Matt, and family.

Last edited 2 years ago by Carolyn Gruchy
2 years ago

So lovely that you have shared these words of Blessing with us, with me this my morning. I join the Blessing for all Who are beside us.As you are David for so long.Love to Helena, Matt and Xavy.Irene on a rainy day .

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
2 years ago

Good to be together with you, David, as well as Matt and Helena in the highest love. Oneness is indeed the reality, something worth celebrating every moment of every day.

Marilyn Manderson
Marilyn Manderson
2 years ago

This is so exquisitely beautiful! Congratulations and eternal blessings to Helena and Matt.

Tom Cooper
2 years ago

Toast Matt and Helena with you, DAvid. And toasting our ability to “behold you in perfection” when we choose to see all that is (b)right and true in each other. I so appreciate your litarlly endless inspiration, love, and Attunement. Love, tom

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