The Romance of Living

Now don’t misconstrue my use of the word “romance.” I’m not using it in the limited sense but in the true sense, the true meaning of the word. The romance of living–not just a love story in the ordinary sense, supposed to be so romantic. It is a love story, but the romance of living, the romance of presenting oneself to the world; not trying to build up some kind of a false pattern, not trying to impress people in the ordinary sense of the term, but an honest, straightforward presentation of oneself in a true revelation of that which one has to offer the world on the stage of life.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

The Romance of Living

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

Don’t you love this? These words speak to my heart.

On this Valentine’s Day, I celebrate how we share the romance of life with the people who are with us, especially those closest to us. But have you heard the expression, “How you are in one thing is how you are in everything”?

The implication of this to me is that as I know the romance of living, presenting myself honestly to everyone I touch—and to the whole world of my existence—I have romance to bring to people close to me.

The quotation this week is from a class on Attunement Technique from 1953. It emphasizes that without the romance of living, there is no Attunement. And the reality of Attunement is what makes all the difference in our lives.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

The Principle of Reciprocity

This Week’s Quotation: The reciprocal factors. People are expressing something, sowing seed we could call it, and something is coming back. The principle of reciprocity.

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Cheryl Moretti
Cheryl Moretti
2 years ago

Thank you for your and Uranda’s words, David, and the different perspectives they bring to light.

“How you are in one thing is how you are in everything.”

What comes to mind is my own experience of the inverse of what you share. That when I give myself over to Love in one relationship, the space that is carved out in me is filled with Love not only for the one, but is available to be shared with all that I my world.

Romance, indeed!

Shareen Ewing
Shareen Ewing
2 years ago

How beautiful to view Romance in this way. Reminds me of being in love with Love!
Reading Karen’s story of magical experiences, I found myself sharing the romance of those places through her eyes, though I have never been to any of them. And people!
We all have the opportunity to give more love to those in our lives, including casual acquaintances at a store checkout.
Thank you for this wonderful reminder.

Karen Pritchard
Karen Pritchard
2 years ago

In Venice I found myself in a place surrounded by the lusciousness of life and the soft inviting velvet of romance itself.

Whether it’s an Italian lover lifestyle, the implicit grand architecture, the gondola to travel the intriguing canals or the essence of Casanova throwing himself from balcony to balcony from lover to lover. I cannot describe the enchantment of romance I felt in this place..

Yet another element of spiritual expansion opened me up one strange February.. I was stranded in Venice for 6 days in an almost isolated Venetian mystery, where the whole place became mine to explore.

Hardly a person there at all it was a global fete in itself not even many Italians were there … I walked the streets of Venice day and night until I knew every nook and cranny – I became friends with st marks square every day. I travelled on the water taxis to each island. I fell in love with Venice and I felt it fell in love with me and allowed me to love it implicitly.

I love that kind of romance in life – loving so many people too in so many places that I fell in love with.

Still places such as New York, LA, Turkey, Greece, Portugal, Paris, Tortola, my own United Kingdom. How can we not fall in love with places that beckon and invite us love, admire and adore.

Open hearted people are like that too we are invited in into to love and into this its Romancing – after all the intoxication of the invite alone opens the heart chakra to knowing it’s actually wanted, loved and needed.

The invite is the romance to the opening of the relationship with life, with places, with people and with our animals. ALLis romance when the loving invite opens up to the experience of implicit connection.

Marilyn Manderson
Marilyn Manderson
2 years ago

I really appreciate this blog David as to me it says that one’s love for Life is rightly the stance of one’s love for ALL life. Thank you!

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