The Spirit of Life

This Week’s Quotation:

I am the Spirit of Life.

I am the conscious universe, ever evolving.

I am forever becoming a fuller revelation of who I am.

Opening the Seven Spirits of the seven major endocrine glands

David Karchere
David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

This week, the Attunement Meditation is the fifth in a series of seven meditations for the opening of the Seven Spirits of the seven major endocrine glands. The readings follow this order:

  • The Spirit of Blessing, the pancreas
  • The Spirit of the Single Eye, the adrenals
  • The Spirit of the New Earth, the gonads
  • The Spirit of Purification, the thymus
  • The Spirit of Life, the thyroid
  • The Spirit of the Womb, the pituitary
  • The Spirit of Love, the pineal

I invite you to join me over these seven weeks in this process of spiritual activation.

David Karchere

The Spirit of Life

I am the Spirit of Life. I am the conscious universe, ever evolving. I am forever becoming a fuller revelation of who I am.

I am the kaleidoscope of Creation—ever unfolding, ever changing.

I release the forms that no longer serve. I forsake the hopeless attempt to walk backward into the past.

I am the dance. Move to my rhythms.

I am the song. Sing me.

Move now! Held in my power. Lifted by me—life itself.

I am the Spirit of Life.

I am the conscious universe, ever evolving.

I am forever becoming a fuller revelation of who I am.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

The Crossover Point

This Week’s Quotation: By reason of the heart, there is the possibility of coming back to the place where we belong so that there may

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3 years ago

I am and I awaken to more. Thank you.

3 years ago

I am the Spirit of Life.
I am the conscious universe, ever evolving.
I am forever becoming a fuller revelation of who I am

I love this David – it is a wonderful mantra – it makes a great Time Out focus as well….

Howard Goodman
Howard Goodman
3 years ago

“forever becoming a fuller revelation of my Self” …. that’s the exciting miracle happening in the midst of all the others spirts “as the kaleidoscope of creation unfolds – ever changing” … I am singing and dancing with you and all who are knowing the living energy of this Spirit! Thank you David!

Kari Bye
Kari Bye
3 years ago

I feel the Spirit of Life, the breath giving life to my body. It is God’s breath, in rhythm and flow. I breathe in healing power. I breathe out and release what no longer serves me. I rejoice in this dance of life.

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
3 years ago

By the power of Love I rise out of the tomb of darkened understanding into the womb of Truth and from there into the garden of Life.

Marilyn Manderson
Marilyn Manderson
3 years ago

The vibrancy of your words David activates my spirit and I give thanks for the Life that flows through me, and is so abundant round about. How freeing it is to acknowledge the ever present flow of Life and the natural order of what is to be born and what is to be released in this day. As I am open to this “kaleidoscope” of possibility as the cycles of Life reveal themselves and fulfillment is known. I celebrate with you the profound richness and glory of Life and give deep thanks that it is so.

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