The Spirit of Purification

This Week’s Quotation:

I am the Spirit of Purification.

I open the heart center of humanity.

I connect heaven and earth for all to see and know.

Opening the Seven Spirits of the seven major endocrine glands

David Karchere
David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

This week, the Attunement Meditation is the fourth in a series of seven meditations for the opening of the Seven Spirits of the seven major endocrine glands. The readings follow this order:

  • The Spirit of Blessing, the pancreas
  • The Spirit of the Single Eye, the adrenals
  • The Spirit of the New Earth, the gonads
  • The Spirit of Purification, the thymus
  • The Spirit of Life, the thyroid
  • The Spirit of the Womb, the pituitary
  • The Spirit of Love, the pineal

I invite you to join me over these seven weeks in this process of spiritual activation.

David Karchere

The Spirit of Purification

I am the Spirit of Purification. I open the heart center of humanity. I connect heaven and earth for all to see and know.

I cast out all that does not serve a thriving life. Any untruth. Any rancor. Anything that would stop humankind from flourishing.

I welcome the power of the heavens that activates human flesh.

I welcome Sovereign Being. Reign here, in all the dimensions of human experience.

Come be here, O Beloved.

I welcome the light from above into the body.

I welcome the highest love into every finger and toe.

I am the Spirit of Purification.

I open the heart center of humanity.

I connect heaven and earth for all to see and know.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

Peace Be Unto You

Peace Be Unto You

This Week’s Quotation: No matter who you are, where you are, or what you are doing, these words are for you, sent to you in

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3 years ago

“As above so below” such an amazing reminder of the truth of our being in these times. Namaste 🙏🙌

3 years ago

What a powerful invitation : I cast out all that does not serve a thriving life. Any untruth. Any rancor. Anything that would stop humankind from flourishing.
I welcome the power of the heavens that activates human flesh.
I can do this, thank you !

Kari Bye
Kari Bye
4 years ago

My morning practice is to welcome the light from above into my body. I am thankful for increased awareness of this re-charging of my being.

4 years ago

How blessed we are that we have this capacity – and that we can remind ourselves to us it – I cast out all that does not serve a thriving life – and that often, the best way to do the casting out is – I welcome the power of the heavens that activates human flesh. Keeping our focus on the Welcoming in of the best – and letting go of the rest.

Phyllis Kotyk
Phyllis Kotyk
3 years ago
Reply to  Katie

It is powerful to touch into the greater clarity and knowing of the process of purification
through the thymus. Our heart in deep openess allows what is coming from above to
enter our physical realm and bring the gifts of healing and restoration and relay the
response upward in deep love and thanksgiving.

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