The Mother of All Living
This Week’s Quotation: Motherhood: the mothering of life on earth; not just life which appears in the baby form but life everywhere. There is a
Radiation of the Healing Ray
This Week’s Quotation: All of the blessed ones who have harmonized in the radiation of the healing ray to the world have volunteered to enter
Speaking the Language of Love
This Week’s Quotation: What a most beautiful day it is this morning! This beauty is easily recognized and appreciated, obviously present all around us; this
Communication at a Subconscious Level
This Week’s Quotation: If there is any vibrational attunement between [people] it comes about by the fact that something has moved from conscious mind to
I Make All Things New
This Week’s Quotation: What has been written upon the pages of time has been written, and no man can change it. What has been written
Christmas Morning
This Week’s Quotation: Of course it could be said that Christmas is a manmade feast; it comes out of a pagan background pattern; but it
Going Home
This Week’s Quotation: Always we are present in any situation to open the way by which people may come home; not necessarily because we preach
Opening the Seventh Seal
This Week’s Quotation: Until you individually and collectively allow yourselves to come to the point of conceiving something holy and sacred within yourselves by the
Beyond Your Greatest Strength
This Week’s Quotation: Until you find a considerate and dependable point that is stronger than your own greatest strength, you have nothing in which to