Working With Response

This Week’s Quotation:

According to your response, so be it unto you.

This statement of basic principle does not impose any ill thing upon you but it emphasizes your personal responsibility in relationship to the things which find expression in your life.  Unless you are willing to face the fact of your own responsibility in relationship to the conditions of health or illness in your body or environment, you cannot be given any real and lasting assistance toward restoration of health in your body and life experience.  

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Working With Response

Anne-Lise Bure
Anne-Lise Bure,
A cosmopolitan in love with truth.

The one law works, and it behooves us to tune in to the intrinsic order that establishes and guides the human experience if we let it. I find that there are many thresholds in a day with various encounters with a diversity of people offering us opportunities to witness the inner desires and drives that want to be expressed through us.

What joy it is when meeting someone who also desires harmony, creativity, and co-creative possibilities. You can feel how the Creator is celebrating through this encounter making heavenly magic occur in the immediate sense. A bubble of radiance is palpable.

How about when we meet people who carry a large dark cloud? Can we hold our desire in service to the other, and to the Creator? What if the other is not responding to the opportunity to cross a threshold into a more radiant choice-making for themselves?

I had such an opportunity today while at the Traffic Department. Behind the counter was a tired woman who was working alone and she appeared overwhelmed from serving long queues of customers who were unhappy about waiting ‘unnecessarily long.’ So, what changed the whole atmosphere?

I noticed the lone woman calling to a colleague outside who was on a lunch break. To help matters, I also called out to him. This woke up the queue and suddenly everyone was calling out to him. Rather amused, he came and started to assist. In no time, the queue disappeared. As I was leaving, the woman smiled at me.    

For me, it was delightful evidence that response works when you remain inspired and tuned in to the needs of the moment. 

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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Attunement Meditations Blog

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Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
4 months ago

Anne-Lise, I really resonate with these words: What joy it is when meeting someone who also desires harmony, creativity, and co-creative possibilities. That is exactly what makes it so easy to respond to your blog, because you are just such a person!

Tom Cooper
4 months ago

Great story, Anne-Lise. You don’t have to be on Instagram or TikTok to be an “influencer.” Just follow the One Law, and you’ll have the right kind of influence whether at a Traffic Department or anywhere … THANK you. And for anyone reading, I also heartily endorse everything publicized on this site including on-line course and the book BECOMING A SUN. Love, Tom C.

4 months ago

What joy it is when meeting someone who also desires harmony, creativity, and co-creative possibilities. You can feel how the Creator is celebrating through this encounter making heavenly magic occur in the immediate sense. A bubble of radiance is palpable.

Yes Dear Anne-lise – what a joy it is when we see (or create) – those moments of the pure joy of the harmony coming together – that alone is the outcome of the moment of creativity – and even without more effort – we find ourselves in the midst of glorious change!!!

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