The Holy Ghost
This Week’s Quotation: “But ye shall receive power, after that, the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” What is the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost
This Week’s Quotation: “But ye shall receive power, after that, the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” What is the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost
This Week’s Quotation: The fruition of love is oneness with the God Being within. That which does not draw thee into the inner oneness is
This Week’s Quotation: May the joy of our knowledge of one another be full. May whatever cloud that might have come between us now be
This Week’s Quotation: We call this substance vibrational substance. You can’t get your hands on it, you can’t manipulate it, but it will take form
This Week’s Quotation: Now suppose we look toward the manifestation of the new earth state. Suppose we anticipated this beautiful outworking of things, and we
This Week’s Quotation: We begin to convey something beyond the word, that is, the spirit of the word. The spirit of the word fits the
This Week’s Quotation: When the human mind is injecting into the vibratory range of manifestation all kinds of viewpoints and attitudes and reactions and ideas,
This Week’s Quotation: When we think of fire, it is usual to associate it with something painful. If you put your hand in the fire,
My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands.
I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at david@sunriseranch.org.
Love is comfort and solace. Love is joy and fulfillment.
Love finds the way. Love is the way.
How large is Love? How long is it?
What color is Love? Where does Love stop?
Love is infinite. Love is eternal.
Love appears in all colors. It never ends.
Love is everything. It is all things.
And without it, we are left with nothing.
Love is you. Love is me.
It overarches us all. It pervades us all, embraces us all, and holds us all.
Love is all.
If the process of Attunement intrigues you—or if you simply want to stay connected with people who resonate with something that is important to you—we invite you to stay in touch.
We’re happy to tell you what is transpiring in the world of Attunement. And we are always eager to hear from people who share our passion for Attunement.