
This Week’s Quotation:

A cow, we will say, comes along and eats the grass, and the grass dies in the cow’s stomach. In other words, the form of the grass is no longer present. It is not grass anymore; it begins to be something else. It begins to go through a process of transformation, and out of that grass, substance is provided for the form of the cow. It is incorporated in the body of the cow. The form of the grass disappeared. The substance did not disappear, it was still there, but it took a new form. It was incorporated into a new form. Would we say, “Well, the grass died”? We could, I suppose; but it would not really be an accurate statement. It is a natural process of transformation, a movement of substance out of one form into another, a process of ascension. The substance of the soil, the air, is being resurrected, step by step, out of the inert mineral level of things into a form in which we say there is life, and this substance provides the body of the form through which the life may manifest. The substance is not the life, but the life of the vegetation or the animal would not be known if it were not for the substance.

We may observe very easily the ascending cycle of life.

~ Martin Cecil


David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

Among many other things in his life, Martin Cecil was a cattle rancher in the Cariboo Country of British Columbia, Canada. So the site of cows grazing on grass was very familiar for him and a handy symbol of the Attunement process. Attunement does involve transformation and ascension. But of course, there is far more to that process than he was able to describe in this quotation.

You might say that a human being is designed to be an ascension machine. The food that we eat—whether animal, vegetable, or mineral—is transformed into human flesh. But, of course, that’s not the end of it. Some of the physical substance within our body is transformed into various forms of energy. We know this from the standpoint of the medical science that tells about the Krebs cycle, the role of insulin and sugar, and the physiology behind the production of energy in the body. But more than that, we know this process from firsthand experience. We can feel how the substance of the food we eat fuels our energy. And we know that if we burn calories, we lose weight.

We are following Einstein’s formula for the conversion of mass to energy: E = mc2. We are not converting so much mass that we explode like an atomic bomb. Just enough to power our human life.

But wait, there’s more!

Yes, the food we eat is ascending into the complex form of a human body. And some of the substances of the body are converted to energy. But there is another step in the ascension process taking place. The energy of the body is ascending to a more rarified substance—consciousness.

What is consciousness? It is hard to define and impossible to constrain according to the definitions of science. For now, why not just glory in the fact of it? And that we are ascension machines who have the opportunity to participate in it?

This is what we are inviting another person to participate in when we share an Attunement.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

The Crossover Point

This Week’s Quotation: By reason of the heart, there is the possibility of coming back to the place where we belong so that there may

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From Age to Age

This Week’s Quotation: From age to age, Love’s word rings forth, “The Truth is true and all is well, unconquerable life prevails.”    ~ Martin Cecil From

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2 years ago

Love this – we are ascension machines who have the opportunity to participate in it…

Miriam Platt
Miriam Platt
2 years ago

What an intelligent design ! Such a clear description of the ascension process in our own exprience . How prctical, how purposeful, how simple yet intricate in its divinely created expression.

Jane Anetrini
Jane Anetrini
2 years ago

Amen! I just shared an attunement with a friend and was conscious while moving through each gland and the spirit focused there, that ascension was happening. We may think that happens primarily at the thymus, the spirit of transformation, but just think about what ascends with the spirit of blessing? the spirit of love? And what about the spirit of the new earth? It is the new earth because the old has ascended and the new is welcomed and enjoyed.
I am enjoying consciously seeing ascension and descension everywhere. It is mystical and practical and for me, undeniable

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