Authentic Honor

This Week’s Quotation:

Sacred honor. How sacred to you? When we see honor as being supreme in its sacredness to us, we are on the way; but until it is, we waste our time.

~ Martin Cecil

Authentic Honor

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

In contemporary society, the word seems almost quaint. Honor. What is it? And what does it have to do with Attunement?

There are many cultural standards for honor. So often, they have to do with following cultural norms. They might have to do with the military, the law, or relationships. And while authentic honor could appear in any of those situations, culture doesn’t define it. For a genuine person, the shoe is on the other foot. Their honor establishes how they participate in culture and the culture they create around them in their immediate world.

Do you want to be a witness to genuine honor? Gaze upon an oak tree with its gracefully spreading branches. See the sun rise over the ocean. Watch a deer leap over the grasses and wildflowers in a meadow. That is honor.

For us, as human beings, our honor is innate. It is how we are made. It is our capacity to love and to serve what we love. It is the gift of intelligence we were given that guides us in our service. And it is the Presence of the Divine in us. This is what you see when you witness a person of honor.

We claim our own honor when we claim these things for ourselves. When, as Martin said, our honor is sacred to us.

As life would have it, we have the opportunity on our journey to prove our honor—to live it and demonstrate it for ourselves and anyone who might be watching. I celebrate that because it allows us to confirm what we hold sacred—to be like the oak, the sun, and the deer.

Authentic honor is Attunement with the source of our being. Without that, we have nothing. And with it, everything.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

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1 year ago

I honor that I woke of this morning in honor of all what went before, what brought me to the gentleness of Life,and the sacred pulse…..That whatever is happening I can stay in the still strong and vibrant place.Thank you Martin Thank you David to bring this pulse of spiririt today. It adds to my substance to know that we are One .

1 year ago

Honoring all life – all forms – all the sacredness of life itself – is really the only thing that counts in the end.

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
1 year ago

As you may know. David, I maintain a list of the qualities of Divine character and honor is high on that list. When I detect honor in the behavior of a person in my immediate world or via the media, I immediately reinforce and celebrate that quality in my own consciousness and energetically bring it into the world I center.

Tom Cooper
1 year ago

Yes. how very sacred is honor. I recall reading that in the days of the round table, knights often fought not so much for money or brides (contrary to folklore), but for honor. IN a documentary about West Point that I saw, cadets are taught to fight for HONOR. I’m not a military fighter, but I see the point of standing for honor of one’s self and one’s country. … and at a deeper level I agree with what you, David, and Martin, are saying about the sacredness of honor. Also it is my great privilege to honor YOU and all who read herein. Love, Tom C.

Jane Anetrini
Jane Anetrini
1 year ago

Thank you, David. To be honorable is about me and my relationship with the Divine. Other people’s approval or praise will fall short of the experience of that sacred communion. I have appreciated being asked what is sacred to me and also witnessed others who could not answer the question because they never gave it any thought. It is sacred to me to be in my integrity and to live a life of honoring the source of my life.

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