Our Creative Opportunity

This Week’s Quotation:

And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire.    Revelation 15.2.

It is a matter of responding to divine being, so that there begins to be an awareness of identity in divine being instead of a continuing identification with human ego. You begin to feel within yourself, in other words, something of a true identity. In that identity there is no subjection to the external things.     

~ Martin Cecil

Our Creative Opportunity

Anne-Lise Bure
Anne-Lise Bure,
A cosmopolitan in love with truth

We rely on our sense perceptions to take in all the world around us and into our consciousness—heart & mind—to give us a sense of understanding, balance, and selfhood.  

Without these faculties, I cannot provide what I am creatively here to contribute to my beloved community. When our hearts are still and the mind tranquil—akin to a ‘sea of glass’—there is a possibility to know more, see more, and therefore create more.

Often, this is how this goes—something unexpectedly impactful happens and hits our senses and consciousness which triggers a reaction or response. The result of the trigger will depend upon how rooted I am in my awareness of my divine identity. The impactful trigger is a valuable stimulus to deepen my understanding of divine identity and an opportunity to intercede in the chaotic pulsation of unruly and often destructive waves originating from outside ourselves and often from deep within our subconscious selves.

Unfortunately, reaction is too often the response with strong triggers. Therefore, in case you experience a trigger storm, try this to restore your identity in divine being:

  • Bring calm to your heart and mind
  • Tune in to the creative source within you
  • Feel the vast ocean of peace in the invisible
  • Feel the vibration in that peace
  • What is it saying to you?
  • What does it want to say to the world?

Let’s be ready to intercede over these unruly triggering waves and discover the fire falling from heaven, maturing selfhood and benefitting our beloved community creatively.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at david@sunriseranch.org

Attunement Meditations Blog

Life Everlasting

This Week’s Quotation: From age to ageLove’s word rings forth,“The truth is true and all is well,Unconquerable life prevails.”Oh, man, whose strident dreamsLead grave wards,Return

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Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
10 months ago

Thank you for your words of wisdom, Anne-Lise, I spend many hours either watching or listening to the world news every day. It is my primary spiritual practice. I am beyond being negatively triggered by anything that comes to me in this way and use it all, as you suggest, as a creative opportunity to call the world home to the Truth of Love, the Truth of Being.

Jane Anetrini
Jane Anetrini
10 months ago

Anne-Lise, what a powerful formula you have offered for bringing grace, authority, and powerful peace to the world. We cannot escape this world and its triggers but we can be masterful with our capacities in the midst of them, Thank you

Carolyn Gruchy
Carolyn Gruchy
10 months ago

So beautiful and uplifting, Anne-Lise, thank you!

10 months ago

How wonderfully beautiful Anne-Lise – from both you and from Martin Cecil – Thank you!!

It is a matter of responding to divine being, so that there begins to be an awareness of identity in divine being instead of a continuing identification with human ego. You begin to feel within yourself, in other words, something of a true identity. In that identity there is no subjection to the external things.     
~ Martin Cecil

Tom Cooper
10 months ago

Yes, we agree fully Anne-Lise. The best reactions to anything are love, forgiveness, understanding, and attunement … no matter how strong my inner tendency might feel to be defensive or upset. Stay calm, tom, and let it pass with a big heart. thank you, Anne-Lise for this reminder and for your own large presence. Love, tom

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