This Week’s Quotation:
If there are to be constructive changes in the external state, they must first appear in the internal state; therefore, we may well question as to what is wrong with the internal state rather than what is wrong with the external state. Most people find it quite easy to point to the things that are wrong with the external state, but they do not see quite so clearly, and there is some reluctance when it comes to the internal state.
~ Martin Cecil
Being the Change

Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Coach & Attunement Practitioner
In my ascension process, what Martin points to here has become a cornerstone of healing my own human experience. It is truly a moment-by-moment practice of self-inquiry and self-love. It is also essential as a healer.
Admittedly I don’t always get it right. It is a practice, after all.
Recently, during a two-week cycle of intensity, I found myself utterly exhausted by trying to fix outer circumstances with my own intellect and efforts. I found myself going into judgment and condemnation rather than love and self-inquiry. I paid the price emotionally and physically.
Does this experience sound familiar to you?
Pain serves us if we let it. Through this painful experience, I came to a place of surrender. I created space for self-reflection and connection with the Source of my Being. As my mind became more tranquil and my heart more open to Love, I began to see the way through.
I was reminded, once again, that the art of living a fulfilling life is an inside job.
To have the heavenly experience we long for, we must love it ALL. By loving it all, I mean bringing the qualities of Love; forgiveness, compassion, blessing, understanding, and gratitude. These qualities create a heavenly atmosphere within us, which then manifests in the outer experience.
It is a courageous act to practice honest self-inquiry—to meet the shadows of the human ego and troubled waters of the subconscious mind and bring Love to it all. It’s the only game in town when we really think about it.
What Is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.
Thank you Sece – yes ‘Pain serves us if we let it’ – so true – easier to believe than do sometimes – but on this planet – necessary.
I really resonate with your observation: “Pain serves us if we let it.” Pain indicates that something is out of sync physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. It opens the door for corrective action, and that begins, as Martin suggests, with an examination of the internal state.
Thank you, Sece, clearly and well articulated – so glad we are doing this inner journey together.
Thanks, Sece! Yes, it IS the only game in town 💕
Full agreement with Martin and with Sece!