This Week’s Quotation:
There was an indrawing, the pulsation comes to balance, and then there is an outflowing. That outflowing requires the conscious harmonization of all concerned, that it may be allowed to expand, and we have the beginning of what we might call a “fanning out” of the pulsation here in the world because there are human beings who are letting it occur through themselves here in the world. And then of course, it moves on out into the expression of daily living, and because it moves out into the expression of daily living, it moves on out further, through the processes of living, because we are all associated with others in various ways.
~ Martin Cecil
Conscious Harmonization

Attunement Teacher & Author
For Attunement to have real meaning, it has to be individual and personal. A person who practices Attunement has to embrace it for themselves. They have to receive the Attunement current into themselves and let it flow to their world.
At the same time, we don’t live our lives in isolation. And we don’t experience Attunement in isolation.
In this excerpt, Martin emphasizes the pulse of Attunement current shared by practitioners collectively. This is an essential factor in the power of that current and the effectiveness of the individual practice.
The flow of Attunement current depends on conscious harmonization with the rhythmic cycles of that flow. Where would you say you are in the process? Is it a time when you feel a flow in or an outflow to your world?
I invite you, as a reader of this blog post today, to join Attunement practitioners around the world in the collective pulsation of Attunement current. Feel our collective heartbeat and harmonize with it. Feel its effortless power. Let it fan out to the people in your world today.
What Is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.
Harmonization could well describe our spiritual work. Harmonizing upward to the central guidance system of universal Love and then outward to the people, places and events in our world.
Effortless power is a key in this consideration. It can only be effortless as the little things in living are prioritized every moment in Attunement. Inflow of energy comes through inner awareness, prayer and gratefulness in the knowing. The outflow of being is the revelation of effortless power in the natural outworking of the One love that dwells within. A passion and commitment are required. Thank you, in gratefulness, for your passion, being and commitment, David.
Attunement is one of the gifts of life energy and offering that gift to self and others increases the blessing within and around all. How wonderful!
Yes, I RECEIVE IT. I HARMONIZE WITH IT. I bring it to my world such that it may fan out in concert with many others. THANK YOU, DAVID, for this great message. For each note to really harmonize, it must be in tune. I commit to staying spiritually in tune and in harmony. Love! Tom
Am working on balancing the 2 flows, these days I feel more of an observer, not getting into the negative