Emissaries of Divine Delight

This Week’s Quotation:

We have used the words “Emissary of Divine Light” to describe one who is genuinely himself or herself on earth. The mere fact that there is such a person present does not of itself produce light. Always there must be the two aspects for the reality of light to appear: radiation and response. Radiation alone does not bring light until there is response to it. So the Emissary who may be letting his light shine is in the position of offering radiant light. When there is a response to that, there is a sharing on the part of the two or more concerned in the experience of light, also of what could well be described as delight.

~ Martin Cecil

Emissaries of Divine Delight

Oren Yakovee
Attunement Teacher and Practitioner

Describing ‘one who is genuinely himself or herself on earth’ as an Emissary of Divine Light is very liberating. Let that sink in. Isn’t it a relief? Doesn’t such a simple realization inspire some sense of relaxation into an emerging peaceful poise? 

An Attunement Practitioner facilitates relaxing into something more real, more genuine, and more authentic—to tune into, notice, and respond to a light flowing outward from within at this very moment. But it doesn’t end there. 

Living in and as the light of authenticity certainly shows up fearlessly genuine, truthful, and honest in one’s actions, beliefs, and relationships. And it also requires self-awareness, self-acceptance, and a willingness to be vulnerable and open with others who, in turn, eventually start to open up.

I often wonder what could possibly be more delightful than to keep oneself surrounded by beings who are showing up more and more authentically as the light that they are.  There is synergy in that wonderfully dynamic, collective communion of radiance and receptivity from within and then with others. There is peace and joy. There is forgiveness and healing and the delightful exploration, revelation, and ever-new discovery of who we are now becoming together.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at david@sunriseranch.org

Attunement Meditations Blog

Selfhood and Expression

This Week’s Quotation: The experience of true identity only comes by reason of spiritual expression. As I have before pointed out, there cannot be spiritual

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1 year ago

Your words bring de-light, Oren. Thank you. It is a gift to relax peacefully in the surround of giving and receiving together in authenticity and sharing the light with whoever comes into our worlds. Joy is present when we light each other up and connect, knowing the possibilities of creating peace. As we share this together in agreement we become emissaries, bearers of Light in Truth and Love into the world of humanity.

Leia Meryt
Leia Meryt
1 year ago

Oren, I so appreciate how you’ve shared the depth of your Attunement experience here. There’s such an ease in relaxing into the genuineness of truth that’s spoken in the energy that is Attunement.

1 year ago

So beautiful Oren – thank you.

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
1 year ago

You have described so beautifully, Oren and Martin, the delight I have experienced from many decades of living in a spiritual community. Every smile and every warm greeting is quickly reciprocated and the world lights up!

Tom Cooper
1 year ago

Many thanks, Oren. yes, how much simpler and more fulfilling it is to simply relax into TRUE SELF rather than to try to be spiritual through some super-human effort. And how much more natural to work with the response which comes rather than to try to harness or lasso it. Radiation brings response. Blessssssssssssssssssings upon all you are about as we enjoy the GENUINENESS of spirit Martin described — and to do so with other great beings whom you mention … what an honor to be about this work together. THANKS, Oren. Love, tom

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