Emotions and the Subconscious Mind

This Week’s Quotation:

When we speak of the heart, while we recognize that feeling relates to all levels of being, it does find particular application and particular emphasis in relationship to the subconscious mind. This is a realm of deep, strongly held feeling. There is more than feeling there, but we can use the term “heart” specifically in relationship to the subconscious mind.

~ Martin Cecil

Emotions and the Subconscious Mind

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher and Author

Isn’t it fascinating how we are made? I haven’t found much of modern psychology that is very helpful in understanding myself or other people. I don’t think much about my id, ego, or superego, do you? I have found some of the Jungian psychology interesting, but often without the deep insights that I am looking for on how we are made and what makes us tick.

These words from Martin Cecil speak to something real in my experience. They address something I know from firsthand self-observation. And while this quotation, of itself, doesn’t paint the whole picture of the human experience, it begins to describe it.

What I notice is that there are feeling states that drift into my awareness. Sometimes the reason for them seems obvious. But other times, I’m left to wonder, Why I am I feeling that? And this gets to the fascinating part.

The idea that Martin presents is that those feelings can relate to the subconscious mind. And what is that? Is it not a realm of thought structure of which you are not entirely conscious?

The implication is that I can’t do anything about that realm directly. But here is what I want to know. What can I do to influence the feeling state in which I live? And what begins to rearrange the structure of the subconscious mind? This relates to the thought-forms of which I am consciously aware. And because I am aware, I have choice.

For Attunement Practitioners, this is vital. We can develop a habit of creative conscious thinking and action that profoundly influences the thought structures that are unconscious, and the feeling states associated with them. We become interested in the conscious thoughts that guide the heart to an Attunement with the activating currents of transcendent love and a higher wisdom that we welcome into our life. This is a mindfulness practice that relies on firsthand self-observation instead of belief in the theories and beliefs of others. It is a practice that allows us to fulfill our destiny to become masters of our own human experience.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at david@sunriseranch.org

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Imagination plays a vital role in the practice of Attunement and in the life of Attunement practitioners.
Without imagination, a person is often unable to see anything other than the facts of what is. They can’t see what could be.

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3 years ago

Thank you David
As I have been abiding in the space of the subconscious mind last year when I became sick in my brain, I had a near death experience .
I found myself not identifying with the human or animal state, but I was in a timeless surround, There were sounds and different lights also it was dark .My family was there for me and spoke words in my ears and holdng my hands, as an earthy anker . Also the Attunement current helped me to wake up and feeling new, exploring all the emotions and interactions in a new way. Thanks also to my guardian angel

Jane Anetrini
Jane Anetrini
3 years ago

Your words offer a powerful gift and provide wise insight. So often we wrestle with things that don’t make sense because we haven’t realized they just don’t. These words in particular are great advice   “We can develop a habit of creative conscious thinking and action that profoundly influences the thought structures that are unconscious and the feeling states associated with them.  This is a mindfulness practice that relies on firsthand self-observation instead of belief in the theories and beliefs of others”. 
When have we been encouraged to notice our firsthand observations? Hardly ever. This is a practice worth mastering

Marja Pretzer
Marja Pretzer
3 years ago

White light of divine consciousness surrounds me at a ll times, love rules💜thank you

Tom Cooper
3 years ago

Yes, David. At the heart of Freud is the conviction that our subconscious rules us … and yet at the heart of spiritual understanding is the perception that we can rule our subconscious. For one thing we can be the guardian angel which safeguards and chooses what goes into our subconscious. And we can focus upon the superconscious — that which resides above the veil — and we can let our meditations be from a clear “firmament” … As we receive from above from God Power and the one true “channel”, it is much harder for he subconsious to hold sway … and it also begins to be purified. Thank you, David, for inspiring this thought. Love and blessings, Tom

3 years ago

There is more than feeling there, but we can use the term “heart” specifically in relationship to the subconscious mind.~ Martin Cecil
Thank you David – this is a beautiful quote from Martin Cecil – a reminder that underneath it all – deep inside our heart – there is the best of us…..

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