I Am at the Crossover Point

This Week’s Quotation:

You are neither material nor spiritual in your true position; you are at the point of balance, and that point is the point where you say of yourself, simply, “I am.” You do not claim a material identity, nor do you claim a spiritual identity; you just are. That is the point of being; that is the crossover point, the connecting point between the realm of spirit and the realm of form. Only when a person is in that point does he know himself, and is he in position to be a balanced expression of himself. That expression is both in spirit and in form.

~ Martin Cecil

I Am at the Crossover Point

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher and Author

I know from my own experience and from witnessing people in the world around me, that there is a great human tendency to try to claim things as who you are. The worldly realities that people claim are the most obvious. People gather a sense of personal importance from professions, family roles, social status, and wealth.

Less frequently, people claim some kind of spiritual reality as who they are—a reincarnation of a certain being or a channel for a spiritual entity. And they try to gain a sense of meaning from that claim.

Today, I accept my reality as I say these simple words: I am.

And yes, it is true; we have both a physical and a spiritual dimension. The wonder and magic of a human being is that they are woven together. They are integrated in you and in me. Our spirit charges all the forms of our expression and manifestation.

I invite you to meditate upon these words with me.

My truth fills my thoughts. My love fills my feelings. My life fills my body.

I enter the world. My presence is here. My compassion and devotion are here.

I am.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at david@sunriseranch.org

Attunement Meditations Blog


This Week’s Quotation: A cow, we will say, comes along and eats the grass, and the grass dies in the cow’s stomach. In other words,

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Ron Free
Ron Free
2 years ago

Heaven and Earth are one! That oneness is known as I stand at the crossover point between Heaven and Earth, my true position, the dwelling place from which I proclaim: I AM!

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
2 years ago

I am sometimes asked, either directly in person or in a survey, if I identify as a Republican or Democrat, as a Catholic or Protestant, as a liberal or conservative, or some other designation. How good to recognize that these material identities don’t define me. I simply am, positioned at the crossover point, “the connecting point between the realm of spirit and the realm of form.”

2 years ago

Beautiful Meditation – My truth fills my thoughts. My love fills my feelings. My life fills my body.
I enter the world. My presence is here. My compassion and devotion are here.
I am.
Thank you!

Willow Winddancing
Willow Winddancing
2 years ago

Thoughts, feelings, words, actions all a part of the human magical, mystery tour. I Am home today in my small cabin in the stillness of the forest on the outskirts of a tiny Morman community. I just returned from 34 days of travel on the road. The diversity of experiences and feelings have taken me through all of what David describes in an abbreviated amount of time, knowing myself in the physical ID & spiritual ID, up & down the ladder many times in many ways with lots of people & places. It is as though I needed to experience the extremes of identification in order to integrate it all. AND to know myself in this absolute moment of the Crossover Point. I AM.

Anne Lise
Anne Lise
2 years ago

Thank you, David. I am at the crossover point – a theme for this year, a fountain charged by Spirit and grateful to be amongst others who are in the same flow.
I too will meditate on this invocation and let it deepen my Presence, compassion and devotion. In Gratitude for this opportunity.

Jane Anetrini
Jane Anetrini
2 years ago

Thank you for that beautiful invocation, David. I will repeat it and meditate on it and welcome a new experience.

Marilyn Manderson
Marilyn Manderson
2 years ago

David, this is such a clear statement of who we are in reality! In my experience it takes deliberateness to allow this to be the fact of the matter in my own living. This point of I AM is such a key to it all.Even just saying that out loud from the depths of my soul can bring me back to that place of I AM. Spirit is readily available in that “place” and I find that my heart, mind, and body eagerly open to the flow of Life which comes through that portal of I AM. These are exciting days in which we might grow this reality individually and among us.

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