In the Stillness

This Week’s Quotation:

In the stillness, in the stillness of body and mind and heart, the creative spirit begins to move, and moving, makes all things new in you and in all who respond in this hour.

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The heart of the creative spirit is love, and in love there is a oneness which provides the right patterns of relatedness in all the cosmic scheme of things. The human mind at rest comes to know that it is not by the human intellect that all things are arranged as they ought to be, but by the unquenchable fire working through the patterns of truth, by which right relatedness is established in all the levels of being. Letting go and yielding, that relatedness begins to have meaning on earth in the realm of form, and that meaning must be known through the silences of the soul, wherein body and mind and heart are allowed to share on earth the things of heaven, and heaven is allowed to share with the forms on earth that which gives meaning to both spirit and form—for one without the other is incomplete—and the form of the spirit is in the level of the created things which man is privileged to know: the beauties of nature, the reality of men and women as human beings.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

In the Stillness

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

Consider this. For almost anyone reading these words from Lloyd Arthur Meeker, that experience might be as close as they come to receiving an Attunement from him.

I’ve read this excerpt several times over already. And I can recommend it to anyone. Try reading it at the speed of speech. Feel the vibration of the words. Let them speak to more than your mind. Let them speak to your heart. Let them speak to your spirit.

As you read, receive an Attunement from the source of all Attunement—The Wonderful One Within. Take advantage of the vibrational opening coded into the words you read.

In the blankness, what is called for is our faith. I don’t care how a person gets there. What allows us to walk over the abyss is faith in the Presence within the void that surrounds us and holds us and sees us through to the other side.

Thank you, Lloyd Arthur Meeker, for discovering and developing the Attunement process. Thank you for leaving the breadcrumbs behind you that lead us to know Attunement ourselves.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

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1 year ago

Stillness may be the greatest prayer of all…..

Tom Cooper
1 year ago

Stillness it is…. for the first time ever in a comment I am leaving a large space so that stillness is honored ……

Thank you. I welcome the download with you, David, and honor the stillness. Love, Tom

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