Love-Filled Expressions

This Week’s Quotation:

A pure heart is filled with the spirit of Love instead of being filled with the spirits of selfishness, greed, envy, fear, and hate. Perhaps you have undertaken at times to control your vocal expression, to keep it always sweet and considerate, and perhaps you have found that the tongue is an unruly member. If envy, greed and hate fill your heart, then no matter how hard you try to only say words that will be constructive and creative you will fail, because regardless of the efforts of the human will, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” 

A creative spirit builds. 

Yes, there may be physical health problems; problems to be cleared with respect to the mind, the spirit, and the atmosphere. There are problems of environment, of circumstance, problems in living! Our attitude toward these problems is important and is revealed by the words we express day by day.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Love-Filled Expressions

Howard Goodman, Attunement teacher and practitioner

Lloyd Arthur Meeker speaks to the vital importance of our heart attunement with Source if we are to speak spirit-filled words that create Beloved Community creatively. He also emphasizes the importance of attitude in influencing what we create. 

Certainly, attitudes are shaped by many external events impacting our emotional experience that generate mental narratives and self-justifying beliefs—attitudes we hold to help navigate a disempowering survival culture in the world.

However, our attitudes may also be shaped by the true Source of our Being which is Love—a place of peace and assurance. This is the dwelling place of our presence and the well-spring of our creative spirit that, when genuinely received, fills our hearts and minds with love and radiant beauty, the true source of all creation.   

What a stark contrast! 

In Attunement with Love, we discover a state of Oneness, from which we may express Love’s Graces and radiantly see and understand the world. These are the spirits that create and build Beloved Community, while the expression of any spirit born of fear creates hate, mistrust, accusation, blame, and judgement that tear down and destroy. 

So, dear friend, check the quality of spirit that fills your words. As a Beloved Community, we gladly bring our gifts to one another, living words that weave golden threads of love into wholeness.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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Attunement Meditations Blog

From Age to Age

This Week’s Quotation: From age to age, Love’s word rings forth, “The Truth is true and all is well, unconquerable life prevails.”    ~ Martin Cecil From

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1 hour ago

So, dear friend, check the quality of spirit that fills your words. As a Beloved Community, we gladly bring our gifts to one another, living words that weave golden threads of love into wholeness.

This is so beautiful thank you – after a week of the blessings of the coming together of Servers from around the world – in person and online – we are filled with the blessings of love and caring and sharing…

18 hours ago

Just before I go to sleep I took the time to read Uranda and your words
Great that Uranda calls a spade a spade, and your words expressing clarity and Love.
Yes I know all the human feelings, and I am glad that I have experienced them.

its so fine that I know stillness, that I have my living breath, the joy in my heart
and feel pleasure so I can handle what comes my way in and outside.

I can share that with people in true conversations, and bring my being, bringing the heaven in many situations. And yes I am thankfull for You and all our companions to hold and love our fields. Irene

19 hours ago

I read this meditation in my sunroom and instantly felt a sense of compassion but also my spirit and my smile is lightening up, I felt misunderstood on love, people were confusing me, as I turn to my favourite garden the roses 🌹 love, royalty, beauty, sensuality, secrecy, and mysticism. They are also associated with achievement and perfection.tears of joy as I radiate in love and happiness and essence of my soul like I have sweet prefume in my soul ,sometimes frustrating times been no love at all ,I had attracted wrong spirit which brought anger out ,after my first attunement my fear went my inner beauty is shining with tears of joy I’m instantly loved by this community. To be ask to lunch and ladies to visit my home so pleasant, no more hurt no more tears ,thank you thank God true humanity and love as enrich my soul ❤️ ♥️ 💖

Tom Cooper
21 hours ago

Many thanks, Howard. Yes, I have always known you to be filled with love expressing a pure heart this way. Bravo for all those who do and it is my own longing to let others feel a full and deep heart this way — in service to God. THANK YOU. And what a great page and site this is with the opportunity for an on-line course, mailing list, other blogs, and now David has two books we can buy and read. how wonderful. I recommend all of these. Loving thanks to you, howard. Love, Tom C

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