Nullifying Negativity

This Week’s Quotation:

The first step, then, in nullifying ill things is to reach a point in polarity where you are not subject to them, where you do not react to them, and therefore you begin to nullify them.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Nullifying Negativity

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher and Author

As an Attunement Practitioner, we are called on to nullify negative factors in ourselves and in the people we serve. But how?

You probably have enough experience of getting involved in the negativity of other people to know it can go badly. I do.

You can try to assist a person to change a negative pattern of thought or behavior. But an attempt like that can so easily be met with resentment and resistance. And then, there are so many subtle, complex factors in any person’s life that have to be taken into account. So even if you are successful in getting them to change one thing in a positive direction, it is no guarantee they will tend to all the other factors that need attention.

My experience tells me it rarely helps to criticize or correct another person. And it certainly doesn’t work if you are reacting to the “ill things” in them. What does assist is the magnification of the positive pattern that has been missing in the person’s experience. Put simply, if a person is acting out of feeling disconnected, connect with them. If they are feeling devoid of love, love them. If they see no hope for the future, magnify awareness of a vision. This invites them into a pattern of deeper Attunement with the answers that lie within themselves.

Success will depend on your lack of reaction and your faith in the possibility of a positive outcome. And your lack of reaction to any negativity the person might display. 

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

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3 years ago

Yes its so true that to change negativity in another person is not possible. But I can give a wider perspective how I deal with my reactionary way if its there, its an inside job.
And as Marilyn said to keep on loving the people around me in true communication with them , all things have the possibillity to change

Miriam Platt
Miriam Platt
3 years ago

Practical spirituality,, simply and, clearly stated! What a gift to receive , what profound loving warrior work to practice.Thank you.

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
3 years ago

Jesus drove money changers out of the temple. Though some would consider this a reaction, he was actually nullifying negativity with an act of profound love.

3 years ago

I only met the Dalai Lama once – and that was all it took. It is a goal I want to reach before I move to the next level – a legacy of love and kindness – the people I know where I live – I believe they want the same…..

Marilyn Manderson
Marilyn Manderson
3 years ago

This is such wise and nourishing advise! To have a stance of non reactivity is vital in my experience of Attunement. Steadiness and consistency in not reacting to a circumstance, or an individual,is so essential. It can be quite a challenge requiring specific internal work, and an adventure! At first it can seem like a surprise to another person,but in one relationship I am facing presently the individual is showing signs of changing their own behaviour towards not reacting. Being deliberate about consciously pouring love over this person has been part of my experience as well. More than ever before! When one is not reacting there is more space for Love I have found.It is the begining of a new cycle for this person and I, and already I see sparks of new connection and change.I am so thankful to be aware of this practice, and that you have brought it forward at this time. It is always so helpfull to know that others are offering this way of Being to their world.

Carolyn Gruchy
Carolyn Gruchy
3 years ago

I love the invitation to give a person what they need, rather than what I believe I need (from them). How very freeing for both parties!

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