Praying Without Ceasing

This Week’s Quotation:

What is prayer? Prayer is vibrational attunement with God. As we reach a point where we live, abide, under the shadow of the Almighty, abide under the Shekinah of the Almighty, with the patterns of attunement with that higher Shekinah clearly established, we will be praying without ceasing, we will be dwelling in the secret place of the Most High. And it is from that secret place of the Most High that we must learn to work, learn to experience the practical expression of life.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Praying Without Ceasing

Oren Yakovee
Attunement Teacher and Practitioner

Have you ever experienced a deep longing to want to give every waking moment of a day to God?  

With such a longing, I recently completed an all-day Attunement Sanctuary Vigil sharing ten attunement sessions.  To me, there’s nothing quite as fulfilling as deepening and magnifying the attunement current in an all-day vigil, then falling asleep that night with the rare satisfaction of knowing that every ounce of my strength was given to God that day.

But what about the days in between vigils? 

Could every moment of an ordinary day also be imbued with similar magnitudes of prayerful intention?

Lloyd Arthur Meeker beautifully encapsulates this idea when he describes prayer as dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty, abiding in the Shekinah of the divine presence.

Living in this state of constant communion with the divine transforms prayer from a discrete activity into a way of being. It means carrying the awareness of the divine presence with us in every moment, infusing our daily lives with spiritual significance. Whether we are engaged in mundane tasks or profound endeavors, our hearts remain open to the guiding light of the Most High.

Such a prayer is not solely a passive endeavor confined to moments of solitude; it is also a catalyst for action and transformation in the world. From the secret place of the Most High emerges the inspiration and guidance needed to navigate life’s challenges and contribute to the greater good. It is here that we learn to channel divine energy into practical expressions of love, compassion, and service to humanity.

In surrender, faith, and devotion, may every moment be dedicated to the Source within and the interconnectedness with all of creation. May we dwell in the secret place of the Most High while naturally allowing our daily lives to become an ever-unfolding manifestation of prayerfulness.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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The Truth Within Us

This Week’s Quotation: So it isn’t a matter of recalling words out of the past, whether those words were the words of Jesus or anybody

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9 months ago

Dear Oran

To sit here for a moment, to receive Uranda and Your words of Blessing, I give Thanx!.
The Sun is shining today, without holding the shining rays to itself,

Even when there are clouds in front of the/my Sun…. I know the Sun is shining.
And thats good to know,when the troubles of the world are coming to me.

I am the one to let my Sunshine!.

Love Irene.

9 months ago

And all that can be lived by consciously receiving the Breath of God. Through that Breath we attune to the frequency of Love and as we continue to be aware of God breathing through us, we hold that Divine frequency. That is consciously abiding in God’s Being and ‘praying’ without ceasing. That’s how I pray.

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
9 months ago

You describe it very clearly and beautifully in this sentence, Oren: Living in this state of constant communion with the divine transforms prayer from a discrete activity into a way of being. This is exactly what brings fulfillment in living and extends our service to the body of humanity. THANK YOU!

Tom Cooper
9 months ago

Dear Oren, Yes to you, and yes to Lloyd Arthur Meeker, and yes to Jesus and our God in praying without ceasing. Looking at prayer as vibrational attunement with God changes everything — one can be in the STATE of prayer without needing to speak, or to be in a “sacred location”, or involved in a spiritual practice — prayer may be living. living may be prayer. I appreciate your emphasis upon both the vigils and what lies in between. Thank you for the prayerful atmosphere of your writing and all you have done to bring forward that spirit of prayer in your very being.
I also note the many opportunities offered on this website – an on-line course, subscription, David’s great book BECOMING A SUN, and more. I highly recommend all of them.
With you, Oren, in praying without ceasing. Love, tom C.

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