This Week’s Quotation:
As there begins to be a deeper feeling awareness in radiant observation of the wonderful nature of the physical body, of its sacredness, of its beauty, of its holiness, we find that our attitude in expressing life through the physical body becomes different to what it usually is in the human sense. The physical body is taken for granted; the individual gets annoyed when something goes wrong with it; he begins to fuss and become impatient and resentful, generally speaking. He treats it, we might say, scurvily. He treats it as though it was his own property to do with as he feels inclined, when in fact it is the temple of God, a wonderful instrument; but it is a wonderful instrument because it is capable of housing the spirit of God, the wonder of divine being.
~ Martin Cecil
The Body Temple

Attunement Teacher & Author
Scurvily. Now there’s a word I don’t hear every day. According to one source, it means in a low, disgusting, and mean way.
Knowing that we might have fallen into mistreatment of our body, let’s use this brief reading to celebrate our bodies. Yes, they can break down, become ill, age, and all the rest. But don’t feel bad now about how you might have treated it or become disappointed in your physical health. Think of how much your body has been there for you. Think of all it has done for you. Let’s celebrate the body temple.
And if we can broaden the meaning of this excerpt from Martin, let’s celebrate our whole body temple—our mind and heart as well as the physical body. The Bhagavad Gita pictures the human capacity as a chariot, with Krishna—divine being—as its charioteer.
Surely our capacity of consciousness is a vital dimension of anyone. Perhaps it is the seat upon which the driver of the chariot sits.
Attunement is a living celebration of the chariot and the highest range of a person’s being that carries the essence of who they are and the direction for their life. I hope you are feeling elevated levels of Attunement just by meditating upon the simple thoughts I’ve expressed in this blog post.
What Is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.
We are so clearly Body – Mind – and Spirit together—-blessings
I have been learning more and more about the wonders of this body I am blessed with. Remembering to treat it with tender loving care becomes a requirement when it begins to give signs that this is not being done. Along with the physical care, I am aware that it also requires emotional caring. Staying in a place of deep thanksgiving and love heals all the hurts. Often heard is the phrase: “listen to your body”. Doing so, brings healing and well-being at many levels. I am so thankful for this reminder. Thank you Martin. Thank you David. Love and blessings.
What a real words from Martin and from you David,YES ! I can say afer this day and any other day, that I celebrate my body in being thankfull that it is getting stronger
and even more sensitive for noticing whats going on. Dealing with all what comes up at many realms and receive it in Blessing. Not feeling judgemental of all what went before
also healthwise . I am thankful to have a body so I can do, for why I came on Earth
Many thanks, David. I join you charioteer to charioteer honoring our chariots of fire. i so appreciate your bringing this to our awareness. WITH YOU. Tom C.