This Week’s Quotation:
Thou art present in all. And we know the truth of this when all that we are in the external sense learns to keep silence before Thee. Then the rest-action of life is found, there is an increasing awareness of these pulsations in our physical bodies, an increasing awareness of these pulsations in our minds, and an increasing awareness of these pulsations in the fulness of spiritual expression. Consequently, it is known that the temple is holy, and all the noise and clatter of the self-active mind ceases in the silence of yielded love.
~ Martin Cecil
The Body Temple Is Holy
I’m so glad to have found these prayerful words from Martin Cecil. So good to join with him in acknowledging the reality of Divine Presence in all things, especially within ourselves.
What is the holy temple? We are, as a human soul, living in these amazing bodies.
What is rest-action? Simply the pulse of life, which, like the human heart, has its cycle of activity and relaxation.
And what is the self-active mind? Erratic thoughts out of touch with the rhythm of life and not surrendered to love.
Now perhaps you will join me in reading Martin’s words once more and feel the silence of yielded love. Feel a deeper Attunement as you read the words. And know that your body temple is holy.
What is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.
This reminds me of the beautiful words in the Old Testament book of Habakkuk: “The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him.”
Ah, the silence of yielded Love. Thank you David. May this body temple give the gifts of yielded love that are mine to give through this body temple.
One of my favorite times for my inner silence is walking in the early morning and feeling the gentleness of the air and the softness of the greenery, and then…..the beginning of the chirping of the birds as they fill the air and then the trees….softly softly opening the day….