This Week’s Quotation:
That which is living, regardless of the measure on the basis of external environment, must be something that comes forth like a bubbling spring from the depths of one’s own being. If we are only a cistern to receive something of man’s knowledge and awareness from external sources, to store it, and to use it as the occasion demands, we tend to stagnate and become less than we ought to be.
~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker
The Bubbling Spring

Attunement Teacher and Author
In these moments, as I write these words, I open my heart and mind to the bubbling spring of my Being. I invite you to do the same, dear reader.
Is that spring inside me? Not exactly. I can definitely feel it in my chest. But it is all throughout my body. And it doesn’t stop there. It is pervasive in the world in which I live.
So I consciously open myself to its flow. Flow, o fountain of life! Flow in and through me.
What is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.
As I open to the flow of life , streaming down from above, streaming up from below , I feel the expansion of my heart , my being sings at the effervescent experience of aliveness , ‘ I light up my world.
Yes, Flow through me and into my world and I welcome it into my life
Opening to the flow is such an amazing blessing!!
Yes, it is there! The flow of the fountain of life in each of us. What folly it is to try to suppress it. Shall I attempt to resist the irresistible creative flow of the universe? Surely not! I am here to experience, as one poet put it, “the rapture of being alive.”
THANK YOU DAVID and URANDA I too take these words in me, into my night..
I open myself to truth of my Being,.whatever is going on around me.No more stagnation And if that happens I know what to do. Keep on opening and deep praying.
Yes, Flow O fountain of live in and through me. What an inspiring post, David. Thank you so much. Warmly, Tom C.